Con la tecnología, ahora es más fácil que nunca conectarse con otras personas y con la gente que está a solo un clic o una llamada de distancia. Nadie lo sabe mejor que los estafadores, que podrían tratar de comunicarse contigo para informarte que “encontraron” de un virus o programa malicioso en tu dispositivo. Así que, durante este Mes de los Estadounidenses de Edad Avanzada, recuerda que si alguien te llama o envía un mensaje inesperadamente diciendo que tu computadora está en riesgo se trata de una estafa.
Es alarmante recibir este tipo de notificación al azar, especialmente si el mensaje suena serio y parece legítimo. A menudo, los estafadores se hacen pasar por representantes de soporte técnico de una compañía reconocida, como Microsoft o Apple. Esperan que al ver un nombre conocido tú abras un email, mensaje de texto o ventana emergente. También pueden intentar llamarte con la esperanza de que reaccionarás ante un “problema urgente” con tu computadora. Así es como consiguen tu información o tu dinero para “reparar” el problema. Quieren que les pagues a cambio de servicios de soporte técnico que no necesitas, para reparar un problema que no existe.
Esto es lo que tienes que hacer:
Es posible que sepas que estas llamadas y mensajes pop-up son falsos, pero es probable que conozcas a alguien que no lo sepa. Por favor comparte esta información con tus amigos y familiares y pásala a los miembros de tu comunidad. Y reporta las estafas a la FTC en ReporteFraude.ftc.gov.sabers e
National Small Business Week: Making estimated tax payments electronically is fast and easy
IRS YouTube Videos
Estimated Tax Payments – English | Spanish | ASL
WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service reminds all businesses, including self-employed and gig workers, to make estimated tax payments quarterly, and that making them electronically is fast, easy and safe.
During National Small Business Week, May 1 to 7, the IRS is highlighting tax benefits and resources tied to the theme for this year’s celebration: “Building a Better America through Entrepreneurship.” Paying estimated tax payments quarterly throughout the year is important for business owners.
Individuals and businesses alike are required to pay taxes as income is earned or received throughout the year, either through withholding or estimated tax payments. That’s why those who are self-employed or in the gig economy usually need to make estimated tax payments. Estimated tax is used to pay not only income tax, but other taxes such as self-employment tax and alternative minimum tax.
If a taxpayer doesn’t pay enough tax through withholding and estimated tax payments, they may be charged a penalty. They also may be charged a penalty if estimated tax payments are late, even if the taxpayer is due a refund when they file their tax return. However, generally, paying quarterly estimated taxes will lessen or even eliminate any penalties.
Estimated tax requirements are different for farmers, fishers and certain higher income taxpayers. In addition, special rules apply to some groups of taxpayers, such as casualty and disaster victims, those who recently became disabled, recent retirees and those who receive income unevenly during the year. Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax, provides more information about these special estimated tax rules.
Who must pay estimated tax
Individuals, including sole proprietors, partners, and S corporation shareholders, generally must make estimated tax payments if they expect to owe tax of $1,000 or more when their return is filed. Corporations generally must make estimated tax payments if they expect to owe tax of $500 or more when their return is filed.
Taxpayers may have to pay estimated tax for the current year if their tax was more than zero in the prior year. See the worksheet in Form 1040-ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals, or Form 1120-W, Estimated Tax for Corporations, for more details on who must pay estimated tax.
Who does not have to pay estimated tax
Self-employed people and gig workers who also receive salaries and wages from an employer can generally avoid having to pay estimated tax by asking their employer to withhold more tax from their paycheck. This usually requires the filing of a new Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding Certificate, with the employer. A special line on Form W-4 allows a taxpayer to enter an additional amount to be withheld.
Taxpayers receiving a paycheck can check the Tax Withholding Estimator on IRS.gov to determine if the right amount of tax is being withheld from their paycheck.
Also, individuals don’t have to pay estimated tax for the current year if they meet all three of the following conditions:
An individual has no tax liability for the prior year if their total tax was zero or they didn’t have to file an income tax return. Additional information on how to figure estimated tax is available in Publication 505, Tax Withholding and Estimated Tax.
How to figure estimated tax
Individuals, including sole proprietors, partners and S corporation shareholders, generally use Form 1040-ES, Estimated Tax for Individuals, to figure estimated tax.
To figure estimated tax, individuals must figure their expected adjusted gross income, taxable income, taxes, deductions and credits for the year. When figuring estimated tax for the current year, taxpayers will often find it helpful to use income, deductions and credits from the prior year as a starting point.
Corporations generally use Form 1120-W, Estimated Tax for Corporations, to figure estimated tax.
When and how to pay estimated tax
For estimated tax purposes, the year is divided into four payment periods. However, some taxpayers may find it easier to pay estimated taxes weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. Alternative payment periods are allowed if enough tax is paid in by the end of the quarter.
Using an electronic payment option available on irs.gov/payments is the easiest way for individuals, small businesses, self-employed individuals and gig workers to pay federal taxes. It’s fast, easy and secure.
Al iniciar un negocio, los contribuyentes deben decidir qué estructura de entidad empresarial establecer. La estructura de la empresa determina el formulario de declaración de impuestos que se debe presentar. Las estructuras empresariales más comunes son:
IRS envía avisos CP2100 y 2100A cuando pagadores necesitan corregir errores de retención adicional de impuestos
El IRS envía por correo estos avisos dos veces al año, en septiembre y octubre y otra vez en abril del siguiente año. Los avisos le dicen a los pagadores que a la declaración informativa que presentaron le falta el Número de identificación del contribuyente (TIN, por sus siglas en inglés), tiene un nombre incorrecto o ambos.
Cada aviso tiene una lista de beneficiarios con problemas identificados de TIN. Los pagadores tienen que comparar las cuentas listadas en el aviso con la información en los registros de sus cuentas y corregir o actualizar sus registros, si es necesario. Esto incluye corregir la retención adicional de impuestos en los pagos hechos a los beneficiarios.
Los avisos también le dicen a los pagadores que son responsables de la retención adicional de impuestos. Pagos reportados en las declaraciones informativas mencionadas anteriormente son sujetas a la retención adicional de impuestos si:
Los pagadores son responsables de la cantidad de impuestos que dejaron de retener y se pueden aplicar multas.