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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta #200gfs #juanfanti. Mostrar todas las entradas

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2024

IP PINs, what they are and why you should get one

   A long running trend in the world has been a rise in identity theft. Scammers seem to be more prevalent than ever, and identity theft is one of the more common forms of con. When it comes to to taxes, scammers may use your details to steal your tax return, make accounts for illicit online transactions, or even use it to open credit cards in your name, just to name a few. As such, the IRS has started to encourage taxpayers create IRS Online Accounts. 

   By signing up online with the IRS you an IP PIN. The number serves as additional protection against people who wish to steal your identity. Requesting a IP PIN permits only those with the number to be able to use your SSN/ITIN. IP PINs are valid for a singular calendar year, in which they are replaced by a new one on the next year. You can see your current PIN using your IRS Online Account. If you do have an IP PIN, then you must use it when filing any federal tax returns during the year the PIN is effective. This includes if you are filling for prior years or amended returns. In addition, it should be noted that the IRS will never contact you in any way to request you IP PIN. They already know it, this is a scam.

   According to The Identity Theft Research Center (ITRC), 2023 had at least 353 million individuals affected by data compromises. The Federal Trade Commission has claimed that it took over 5 million reports last year, 48% were for fraud and 19% were about identity theft. That breaks down to over 2.5 million cases of fraud and over 1 million identity theft cases. Everything else rounds to over 1.8 million reports. Identity theft and fraud are crimes that can ruin people's lives, and rob people of their sense of security. By getting an IP PIN you can secure yourself from those who seek to exploit you. As such, we recommend you get an IP PIN today.


jueves, 24 de octubre de 2024


You could make an entire blog dedicated to how many tax scams are there. Today we will be talking about just a few of these and how to avoid them. 


   There a few of these. Sometimes it takes the form of misleading or untrue information on how to get a larger refund, leading to filers reporting inflated incomes and withholding figures on their forms. This is tax fraud. Lying about your tax figures will result in, at best, severe fines, or maybe other criminal punishments like prison time. 

   Other times criminals try to to steal W-2 information from businesses and payroll companies to steal returns. Spear phishing is a type of cyberattack in which a highly personalized fake message is sent to trick a person or organization into giving up intimate information. Scammers may try to trick tax professionals by pretending to be new clients. The scammers may attack a malicious attachment or URL that, when clicked, will give the scammer access to the computer's systems and information stored. 

   There are a few signs to look for. Always be wary of suspicious behaviors or strange requests. Bad grammar or spelling errors could be a sign of a fake. Be sure that the person is who they say they are by checking their email and/or name. And do not click on any attachments or links if you cannot confirm they are safe.


    Scammers are prone to steal sensitive information. They may send a letter claiming to be an IRS agent, and then proceed to ask for identifying information, like pictures of your driver's license, or your social security number. The point of this con is to steal the victim's return.

   Warning signs for this kind of con may include a few things. Government organizations have certain standards on how they are suppose to write, so if yo see awkwardly written requests, or inconsistent font, and other grammatical mistakes. It is also useful to know that the IRS never contacts taxpayers through email, text, or social media about tax refunds. You should also be skeptical of similar messages that appear to come from friends or loved ones, since scammers may have stolen or compromised their email or text accounts.


 It can be said that social media has not always been the best source of information. There are a lot of ways taking tax advice on social media can go wrong. One of the simplest way is misinformation. People will post with about things with complete confidence even if they are completely wrong. From falsifying a W-2 form to misunderstanding how more obscure tax documents, the internet is filled with people who think they know more than they actually do. 

   There is no magical way to massively increase your tax return. If something sounds too good to be true, it is. There are a lot of good places to look or information. For example, there is @irsnews on social media, you could go to, the official IRS website, which is filled with official information on how taxes work, or you could go to a legitimate tax professional for answers.


    Naturally, scammers may pretend to be legitimate tax preparers. People who need a tax preparer, by necessity, need to trust them with incredibly vital information that, if compromised, could lead to disastrous consequences for the victims. Naturally, scammers may try to impersonate a preparer in order to gain access to this information. Alternative, you may have a "ghost preparer", someone who does not sign the tax returns they prepare. They do this to avoid accountability for overpricing their clients for benefits they will not actually provide. 

   We recommend the following when selecting a tax preparer. Look for a preparer who is available year-round. Review the history of the individual or organization in the Better Business Bureau, to see if they have caused problems in the past or have the licenses necessary to do their job. Make sure the preparer offers IRS e-file, which greatly hastens the time in which you may receive your return. Look over the credentials of the preparer. Never sign an incomplete return. And finally, review the tax return before signing it and ask questions to make sure everything is accurate.



miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2024


   There are a lot of different kinds of scams to look for. They are found in every aspect of the financial and economic system. This can make it overwhelming to know what to look for. However, we have identify certain scams that come about when people wish to register their businesses with the government.


    Each state requires a new business to register with the government. Requirements vary state to state, but typically there are filing fees involved. Some bad actors will try to trick you by saying that you need to pay these fees through a third party. As of writing this, there is no state that requires you to do this. So if you find yourself in a situation in which someone is telling you to pay to the government through them, be sure to understand what the rules actually are and do not be fooled by their tricks.


    It may come as a letter, or an email. It will probably say that it came from the state, and you must do something like paying a fee or making a call to a phone number (which will probably tell you to pay a fee). If you do not, then you will lose the rights to your business name and someone else will be able to claim it. The thing is that state regulatory agencies do not send letter like these. Another red flag to look for is to see if the money amount asked is greater than $100, some business registration companies let you start your business for free. So if you are looking to renew your DBA, the first thing you should know is that you can do it by yourself without a third party to help you in minutes. Look up in government pages by when do you need to renew your DBA and compare with your registration.


    There are many documents that need to be in order to be a business owner. Many licenses and permits require filing fees. So many scammers try to sell you fake licenses that you do not need or pretend to be a legitimate source for real legal documents. To avoid these, we suggest to look up for government agencies for what documents you actually need. If you look online, look for whether the site ends in .org, or .gov. Most government sites will either have the option to purchase the documents, or will direct to where you might get them.


    There are a few goals for faking being an inspector. They may aim to trick business owners into creating fake "verified" accounts for online retail services. They may just ask for your credit card information or commit fraud. Official agencies ask people to report any calls claiming to be government inspectors who ask for credit card numbers and/or personal information to their local authority. A sign of this kind of scam is the fact that a number of regulatory agencies do not call in advance for their inspections. If you have any concerns that you were called by a fake, call the relevant government agency to see if they are real or not.


    There are a few scams involving domain names. They may claim that they is an interested buyer looking to buy their domain for a convincing amount of money, only as a means to get them to purchase a domain appraisal service and never provide the service. Do not pay for these services, the buyer should be the one purchasing the service and if you really want to know what your domain is worth there are free online tools for that. There is domain renewal scams, that try to alarm the victim into paying for a fake renewal service. And so on and so forth. In general, our advice is to be thorough in reviewing any emails asking you to pay for something, specially if they say its urgent. There are many tools like SpamAssassin, an open-source project who can help you verify whether something is a scam or not. Regardless, always verify to see if the person contacting you is really the person they claim to be.

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2024


   Getting a car for many is one of the crucial steps in achieving true freedom for Americans. When you own a car, you can finally go anywhere you would like. However, most people need to take out loans to afford a car. This means dealing with regular loan payments. Many people may have problems paying these costs, and for one reason or another may fall behind and put themselves in a difficult position. So we made a list of things you can do to deal with your car loan problems.

1. Call Your Lender

  One route you can take is to call your lender. Many financiers may allow for you to get a loan extension or to delay the payment. Although not always possible, it is worth while seeing if your lender might allow for more time for you to pay. This could potentially increase the amount of time you have to save up to pay for your loan, allowing for a less demanding budget.

2. Refinance Your Loan

    In essence, you would be switching one loan for another. A potential boon would be to get a lower interest rate, or a more lenient loan length. With this you could either add or remove co-signers When a loan is refinanced, the new lender pays the loan of the old lender and then the you start paying off the new loan. This could be useful if you can get a good credit score to leverage for a better interest rate and/or if you want to renegotiate certain terms of your loan.

3. Turn in Your Car

Voluntary repossession is a means to rid yourself of your loan problems. In this instance, you turn over your car to the lender and pay any remaining charge. While this might be an option if you are unable to sell the car, you should be forewarned. Voluntary repossession does negatively affect your credit score

martes, 15 de octubre de 2024

IRS advierte a contribuyentes de estafas relacionadas con organizaciones benéficas falsas tras recientes huracanes; provee herramientas para verificación de legitimidad

 WASHINGTON — Tras el paso de los huracanes Milton y Helene, el Servicio de Impuestos Internos advirtió hoy a los contribuyentes de estafadores que usan organizaciones benéficas falsas para recopilar datos personales y financieros confidenciales de donantes desprevenidos.

Los estafadores suelen crear organizaciones benéficas falsas para aprovecharse de la generosidad de las personas durante los desastres naturales y otros acontecimientos trágicos.

“Muchas personas quieren ayudar a los sobrevivientes y a sus familias mediante donaciones a organizaciones benéficas,” dijo el comisionado del IRS, Danny Werfel. “Los criminales con mucha frecuencia se aprovechan de la bondad de los posibles donantes robando dinero e información personal de contribuyentes bien intencionados. Las personas nunca deben sentirse presionadas por los solicitantes para donar de forma inmediata a una organización benéfica. Es importante investigar antes y verificar la autenticidad de la organización.”

Herramienta de Búsqueda de organizaciones exentas de impuestos (TEOS, en inglés)

Aquellos interesados en donar deben consultar primero la herramienta Búsqueda de organizaciones exentas de impuestos (en inglés), en, para encontrar o verificar organizaciones benéficas legitimas y calificadas. Con esta herramienta, las personas pueden:

  • Verificar la legitimidad de una organización benéfica,
  • Comprobar su elegibilidad para recibir contribuciones caritativas deducibles de impuestos, y
  • Buscar información del estado de la exención tributaria de una organización y sus declaraciones de impuestos

Consejos para evitar organizaciones benéficas falsas

  • Siempre verifique. Los estafadores frecuentemente usan nombre parecidos a organizaciones benéficas conocidas para confundir a las personas. Los promotores de organizaciones benéficas falsas podrían usar correos electrónicos, sitios web falsos o alterar o “falsificar’ su identificador de llamadas para que parezca que una organización benéfica real está llamando para solicitar donaciones. Los posibles donantes deben preguntar el nombre, el sitio web y la dirección postal de la organización benéfica para confirmar la información. Use la herramienta TEOS, (en inglés) para verificar si la organización exenta de impuestos es legítima.
  • Sea cauteloso de cómo se solicita una donación. No colabore nunca con organizaciones benéficas que soliciten donativos pidiéndole números de una tarjeta de regalo o por transferencia de dinero. Es una estafa. La manera más segura es pagar con tarjeta de crédito o cheque, y sólo después de verificar que la organización es real.
  • No comparta demasiada información. Los estafadores buscan cazar tanto dinero como información personal. Nunca provea información relacionada con números de Seguro Social, números de tarjetas de crédito, y números personales de identificación.
  • No ceda a las presiones. Los estafadores suelen presionar a la gente para que realice un pago inmediato. Por lo contrario, las organizaciones benéficas legitimas están encantadas de recibir una donación en cualquier momento. Los donantes no deben sentirse presionados.

El IRS insta a cualquier persona que se cruce con una organización benéfica falsa o sospechosa a consultar los recursos del FBI acerca de fraudes de organizaciones benéficas y desastres (en inglés).

Reclame una donación

Los contribuyentes que donan dinero o bienes a una organización benéfica pueden reclamar una deducción (en inglés) si detallan las deducciones, pero estas donaciones sólo cuentan si van a una organización reconocida por el IRS.

Cortesia de IRS.GOV

viernes, 4 de octubre de 2024


 Si necesitas tener una dirección física en la Florida, para abrir tu empresa, para abrir cuentas en los bancos, para recibir correspondencia, pero te es difícil venir a los estados Unidos de America, te ofrecemos en nuestras instalaciones el servicio de Virtual Office Packages, en donde tendrás una dirección que no es un P.O BOX.

Los bancos le podrán abrir cuentas a tu empresa, recibir la correspondencia, la cual será entregada a nosotros, en donde la clasificaremos, abriremos lo importante y te informaremos o te haremos llegar escaneadas a tu email.

Esta combinación de direccion fisica con nosotros te da la oportunidad de no tener más problemas de demoras, falta de información, extravíos de correspondencia que puede ser muy valiosa para ti, evitando multas, cierres de cuentas bancarias y penalidades ante el IRS.

Si estas interesado consultamos a:

WhatsApp:  +1 (954) 261-2280

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2024

Nos mudamos, nueva oficina en Broward, 200GFS


Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions (200GFS), te invita a nuestras nuevas oficinas en la ciudad de Davie, Florida, USA.

Estaremos atendiendo contra previa cita, con todos nuestros productos: Contabilidad, Taxes Personales y Corporativos, Nuevas Empresas en los Estados Unidos, Búsqueda del EIN para empresas, ITIN Numbers, Asesoría en la Apertura de Cuentas Corrientes en la Banca Americana, Registro de Marca Comercial, Somos Planificadores Tributarios y Financieros.

Te esperamos en:

12555 Orange Drive, Suites 237/235

Davie, Florida 33330, USA

Atención en Espanol e Ingles

De 9:00 am a 12:30 pm.y de 1:30 pm a 5:00 pm.

Sábados Previa Cita

Phone: +1 (954) 261-2280 Spanish

+1 (954) 882-4190 English


viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2024

"¿Quieres pagar menos impuestos y maximizar tus ahorros? 💸✨

 "¿Quieres pagar menos impuestos y maximizar tus ahorros? 💸✨ En  Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, te ayudamos a reducir tu carga fiscal con estrategias personalizadas y efectivas.

Nuestros servicios incluyen: ✅ Identificación de deducciones y créditos fiscales ✅ Planificación fiscal estratégica ✅ Asesoría en cumplimiento normativo ✅ Soluciones fiscales adaptadas a tus necesidades

No pagues más de lo necesario. Descubre cómo podemos ayudarte a mantener más dinero en tu bolsillo. Agenda una consulta gratuita en el link de la bio. 🔗 #AhorroFiscal #PlanificaciónFiscal #ReducciónDeImpuestos #AsesoríaFiscal #FinanzasInteligentes

miércoles, 11 de septiembre de 2024

¿Quieres pagar menos impuestos este año?

 ¿Quieres pagar menos impuestos este año? 💰✨ En 200GFS, te ofrecemos asesoría experta para maximizar tus ahorros fiscales. Con nuestras estrategias personalizadas, puedes reducir tu carga impositiva y mantener más dinero en tu bolsillo.

¿Qué ofrecemos? ✅ Identificación de deducciones y créditos fiscales ✅ Planificación fiscal estratégica ✅ Cumplimiento normativo y legal ✅ Soluciones personalizadas para individuos y empresas

No dejes que los impuestos se lleven más de lo necesario. ¡Descubre cómo podemos ayudarte a ahorrar! Consulta gratuita en el link de la bio. 🔗 #AhorroFiscal #PlanificaciónFiscal #EstrategiasDeAhorro #AsesoríaFiscal #FinanzasInteligentes

lunes, 2 de septiembre de 2024

USCIS to Open International Field Office in Quito, Ecuador (USCIS abrirá oficina internacional en Quito, Ecuador)

 WASHINGTON— El Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Estados Unidos anunció hoy la apertura de una oficina internacional en Quito, Ecuador, el 10 de septiembre. La oficina de Quito se centrará en aumentar la capacidad de procesamiento de refugiados, en consonancia con los compromisos del USCIS en el marco del Programa de Admisión de Refugiados de Estados Unidos, y en ayudar a reunir a las personas con sus familiares que ya se encuentran en Estados Unidos.

“La apertura de la oficina local de Quito amplía la presencia internacional y la experiencia de USCIS en una ubicación crítica y es parte de nuestro compromiso con los esfuerzos de la administración Biden-Harris para facilitar vías legales seguras y ordenadas y cumplir con nuestra misión humanitaria”, dijo el director de USCIS, Ur M. Jaddou. “USCIS está dedicado a la equidad, la integridad y el respeto por todos los que servimos, y nuestra presencia en Ecuador es parte de un esfuerzo por expandir la presencia de USCIS fuera de los Estados Unidos para apoyar esa misión de manera más efectiva”.

La Oficina de Campo de Quito estará ubicada en la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Ecuador y apoyará el esfuerzo del gobierno de los Estados Unidos para reasentar a los refugiados de las Américas, como se describe en la Declaración de Los Ángeles sobre Migración y Protección de junio de 2022. La Determinación Presidencial sobre Admisiones de Refugiados del año fiscal 2024 aumentó la meta para América Latina y el Caribe a un rango de 35.000 a 50.000 admisiones. Con una oficina de campo en Ecuador, el personal del USCIS podrá brindar experiencia en inmigración a la embajada de los Estados Unidos y a los socios regionales en apoyo de las Oficinas de Movilidad Segura en Ecuador. La iniciativa de Movilidad Segura facilita el procesamiento acelerado de refugiados a través del Programa de Admisión de Refugiados de los Estados Unidos y brinda información y referencias a otras vías de migración legal a los Estados Unidos y otros países.

Además de apoyar el procesamiento de refugiados en Ecuador y la región, el personal del USCIS se centrará en el trabajo de reunificación familiar y reanudará otras tareas críticas del USCIS en la embajada. Esta carga de trabajo incluye entrevistar y procesar el Formulario I-730, Petición de familiar de refugiado o asilado , tomar las huellas digitales de los beneficiarios de ciertas solicitudes del USCIS, supervisar la recolección de muestras de ADN y realizar actividades esenciales de detección de fraude.

Los servicios en la oficina de Quito estarán disponibles únicamente con cita previa. USCIS actualizará su página web de Oficinas de Inmigración Internacional para incluir información sobre la oficina local, sus servicios y citas.

La Oficina de Quito será la duodécima oficina internacional del USCIS. Actualmente, existen oficinas internacionales del USCIS en Ankara, Turquía; Pekín; Doha, Qatar; Cantón, China; Ciudad de Guatemala; La Habana; Ciudad de México; Nairobi, Kenia; Nueva Delhi; San Salvador, El Salvador; y Tegucigalpa, Honduras.


miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2024

Celebrating Women’s Equality Day: A journey toward inclusive liberty


Celebrating Women’s Equality Day: A journey toward inclusive liberty

Women’s Equality Day is observed annually on August 26, and it marks the historic day in 1920 when the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed, granting women the right to vote.

The amendment read: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.” 

This monumental step in the fight for gender equality was the outcome of decades of activism, resilience and determination led by suffragists like Susan B. Anthony, Nannie Helen Burroughs and many others. While this was a significant win, it’s important to acknowledge that the achievement was not inclusive of all women.

Limited equality: Exclusion of women of color

The 19th Amendment represented progress but didn’t guarantee universal suffrage for all women. Women of color—including African American, Native American, Asian American and Latina women—continued to face significant barriers due to discriminatory practices like literacy tests, poll taxes and outright intimidation. It wasn’t until the Voting Rights Act of 1965, nearly 45 years later, that legal structures discriminating against voters of color were stopped. This reality highlights that the path to equality was uneven for women of diverse racial backgrounds.

The significance for women Veterans

Women’s Equality Day is significant for women Veterans who have broken barriers within a traditionally male-dominated field. Women have served in various capacities in the military for generations, often without the recognition or rights given to their male counterparts. From serving as nurses in the World Wars to taking on combat roles and leadership positions today, women Veterans epitomize the courage and perseverance that Women’s Equality Day celebrates.

  • During World War II, Major Charity Adams Earley broke barriers by becoming the first African American woman officer in the Women’s Army Corps (WAC). She stood up against racial and gender discrimination in the military and advocated for equality.
  • Margaret “Maggie” Gee, one of the first Chinese American members of the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP), faced discrimination as a Chinese American aviator during the war. Despite the obstacles, both women worked toward equality and representation in the military.
  • Retired Air Force Colonel Lisa Carrington-Firmin, a Latina Veteran, currently serves on VA’s Advisory Committee on Minority Veterans, and wrote the poem “Invisible Veteran,” expressing the challenges she faced as a Latina woman Veteran. 
  • Tammy Smith, the first openly gay general in the military, faced discrimination due to her sexual orientation during her service. She fought for LGBTQ+ rights in the military and played a crucial role in the repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

For women Veterans, this day is a testimony to their relentless fight for equality within the armed forces. The repeal of the combat exclusion policy in 2013 marked a key moment when women were formally allowed to serve in combat roles, showing the growing recognition of their contributions and capabilities. Women’s Equality Day not only acknowledges the suffrage movement’s victories but also the ongoing struggles and achievements of women in uniform.

A continuing journey

Women’s Equality Day reminds us of the importance of inclusivity in the pursuit for equal rights. Recognizing the day’s historical importance reminds us to honor the suffragists and all women who’ve fought and continue to fight for their earned place in society. For women Veterans, it’s a day to celebrate their service and the growing recognition of their vital role in shaping an equitable and fair society.

Let this day inspire us to continue to advocate for an inclusive future where equality truly knows no bounds.

August 26, 2024

Missina Schallus; D’Andrea Jacobs

Center for Women Veterans; Center for Minority Veterans

Tener una asesoría adecuada en cada paso en tus empresas en los Estados Unidos es fundamental para el éxito

 Con la asesoría adecuada, abrir tu empresa en EE.UU. es más fácil de lo que imaginas. Desde la formación legal hasta la contabilidad, nuestro equipo te acompaña en cada paso para garantizar que tu negocio comience con el pie derecho.

💼 Empieza hoy y construye el futuro que deseas!

jueves, 15 de agosto de 2024


Los taxes tanto personales como corporativos se convierte en el dolor de cabeza de muchas personas, sin darse cuenta que el principal problema son ellos mismos, por no hacer una planificación financiera y tributaria durante cada año.

En el caso de las empresas, no llevar una contabilidad mensual, siempre va a originar sorpresas no tan agradables al ver cuánto les toca pagar al IRS.

No llevar un control de los ingresos y egresos, es algo arriesgado, si sales en la revisión aleatoria del IRS para una auditoría.

Muchas personas subestiman o traen malos procedimientos de otros países y creen que acá se puede hacer lo mismo.

Estás a tiempo de solicitar una cita y revisar como va todo a este mes del año y poder tomar algunos correctivos.

Consultanos a:
WhatsApp:  +1(954) 261-2280


miércoles, 31 de julio de 2024

Evitando las estafas en los anuncios de alquiler

Terri Miller 
Especialista en Educación del Consumidor, FTC 31 de Jul de 2024

Las familias de militares se mudan con regularidad, a veces cada dos o tres años. Por lo tanto, es posible que te encuentres buscando vivienda mientras planeas mudarte a otro destino. Es ahí cuando podrías encontrarte con una estafa de alquiler, que puede ser difícil de detectar, pero aquí algunas pistas.

Las estafas en anuncios de alquiler pueden suceder de varias maneras. Los estafadores pueden robar listados de alquiler legítimos de viviendas reales y hacerse pasar por el propietario. A veces, los estafadores utilizan grupos en las redes sociales para publicar listados inventados de viviendas que en realidad no están disponibles para alquilar y, a veces, de lugares que ni siquiera existen. En cualquier caso, el estafador te apresurará a pagar una tarifa de solicitud, un depósito y/o el primer mes de alquiler, y prometerá darte las llaves de inmediato, pero en lugar de eso, desaparecerán. Te quedarás sin tu dinero y sin un lugar donde mudarte.

Sigue estos pasos para evitar perder tiempo y dinero en una estafa de listado de alquileres.

  • Busca en internet la dirección de la vivienda, además del nombre del propietario o de la empresa de alquiler que figura en el listado de alquiler. ¿Aparecen otros anuncios para la misma dirección? ¿Quizás con otro propietario o nombre de la compañía de alquiler diferente? Esas son señales de una estafa.
  • Busca el sitio web de la compañía de alquiler y verifica que la propiedad también esta listada allí. Si no es así, es probable que el listado de alquiler sea una estafa.
  • Paga con tarjeta de crédito, ya que te brinda la mejor protección. Los estafadores quieren que pagues de maneras que hacen difícil que recuperes tu dinero, como tarjetas de regalotransferencias de dineroaplicaciones de pago móvil como Apple Pay, CashApp, PayPal y Zelle, o criptomonedas.
  • No pagues por una vivienda que nunca has visto. Y nunca pagues a alguien que nunca has conocido en persona. Si no puedes ver la vivienda o firmar un contrato de alquiler antes de pagar, consulta para ver si una de tus amistades puede verlo o sigue buscando.


No pague por viviendas que nunca ha visto. Podría ser una estafa de alquiler.

lunes, 20 de mayo de 2024


When choosing what bank to put your trust in, it can feel like taking a leap of faith of the grand canyon. We put our trust in these institutions when it comes to our money, our businesses, and even our personal lives. However, it is not rare to hear stories about frustrations with these institutions. So we compiled a list of banks that people generally seem to recommend to others, and why.

When it comes to customer satisfaction, according to a study by J.D. Power, Fifth Third Bank is considered the best bank when it comes to customer service, scoring at the top of their list a 689 out of a 1,000. They have numerous location around florida that allow you to resolve any issues you may have at maximum convenience.

The bank that has the best savings account rate comes at a tie. If you deal with a large amount of savings, then My eBank, an online only bank, might be for you. With a APY of 3.90%, this is a great turnover for your savings. However, the service does require a minimun deposit of $5,000. If you do not have that kind of money, the you might consider CITI Bank. With a minimum deposit of $100 you can get an  APY of 0.40%, however, with a deposit of at least $25,000 you can get an APY of 4%. 

However, if you are looking for convenience in travel, Wells Fargo got you covered. Scoring the most locations in florida out of any bank, they have 478 sites as now. Letting you get service anywhere you might need.

We hope that you are able to make the best decisions for yourself and that you find success with these banks.

martes, 26 de marzo de 2024



    200GFS provides business registration services. We can get your business register so you can enjoy the full legal benefits of being a business owner. If you want to own a firm or work for someone looking to to register, call us today and make an appointment. You will be guided by experts on how to correctly register with the government and what obligations will be involved so you can create the future you want for yourself. Call now with the information below and get started.

viernes, 22 de marzo de 2024


Call us now before the season ends. Be ready and make a consultation. The tax season is quickly coming to an end. Make sure you have everything you need to fulfill your IRS obligations


WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 or Telegram

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miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2024



As Spring runs its course, the deadline is getting nearer. Make a call, be ready to present with 200GFS.


WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 or Telegram

For English communications:

For Spanish communications:

miércoles, 13 de marzo de 2024


As the season progresses, it is important to understand the IRS due deadlines. Not meeting the deadlines can lead to major difficulties depending on the nature of the violation. Here we list several deadlines you should be aware of for your financial planning.
For Personal Tax Returns for the year 2023, the due date is April 15, 2024. This applies to paying IRS dues or any request for an extension. 

For citizens of Maine, due to federal holidays, their due date will be moved to April 17, 2024.

For people in a federally declared disaster area, extensions may vary area to area, so go to the IRS website to find out whether are located in a disaster area and whether the deadline has been pushed.

If the need arises, an extension may be requested for filling your tax return. The extension will push the deadline to the 15th of October.

Works Cited


WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 or Telegram

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