¿Quieres saber c贸mo abrir una empresa en Estados Unidos? En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, simplificamos el proceso para ti. Desde el registro hasta la obtenci贸n de licencias, ¡te acompa帽amos en cada paso del camino! #Emprender,EnUSA, #Negocios, #EstadosUnidos,
mi茅rcoles, 22 de mayo de 2024
¿Quieres saber c贸mo abrir una empresa en Estados Unidos? 馃殌
lunes, 20 de mayo de 2024
When choosing what bank to put your trust in, it can feel like taking a leap of faith of the grand canyon. We put our trust in these institutions when it comes to our money, our businesses, and even our personal lives. However, it is not rare to hear stories about frustrations with these institutions. So we compiled a list of banks that people generally seem to recommend to others, and why.
When it comes to customer satisfaction, according to a study by J.D. Power, Fifth Third Bank is considered the best bank when it comes to customer service, scoring at the top of their list a 689 out of a 1,000. They have numerous location around florida that allow you to resolve any issues you may have at maximum convenience.
The bank that has the best savings account rate comes at a tie. If you deal with a large amount of savings, then My eBank, an online only bank, might be for you. With a APY of 3.90%, this is a great turnover for your savings. However, the service does require a minimun deposit of $5,000. If you do not have that kind of money, the you might consider CITI Bank. With a minimum deposit of $100 you can get an APY of 0.40%, however, with a deposit of at least $25,000 you can get an APY of 4%.
However, if you are looking for convenience in travel, Wells Fargo got you covered. Scoring the most locations in florida out of any bank, they have 478 sites as now. Letting you get service anywhere you might need.
We hope that you are able to make the best decisions for yourself and that you find success with these banks.
lunes, 15 de abril de 2024
Nosotros podemos asesorarte acerca de hacer tus impuestos, si no los has hecho en a帽os anteriores y ponerte al dia. Lo importante es no quedar fuera de ley por no hacerlos.
Tu estatus migratorio no importa, si tuvistes ingresos debes de cumplir con la obligaci贸n y demostrarle al Gobierno Americano que tu no quieres ser una carga para el pa铆s.
Comunicate con nosotros a trav茅s de nuestro numero de telefono de
WhatsApp +1(954) 261-2280.
Nuestro email: info@200gfs.com
Nuestra Web:
mi茅rcoles, 14 de febrero de 2024
FinCEN Sees Increase in BSA Reporting Involving the Use of Convertible Virtual Currency for Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking
FinCEN Sees Increase in BSA Reporting Involving the Use of Convertible Virtual Currency for Online Child Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking
The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issued a Financial Trend Analysis (FTA) today reflecting an increase in Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) reporting associated with the use of convertible virtual currency and online child sexual exploitation and human trafficking. This FTA is based on BSA reporting filed between January 2020 and December 2021.
News Release: https://www.fincen.gov/news/
Financial Trend Analysis: https://www.fincen.gov/sites/
jueves, 18 de enero de 2024
Are you aware of BOI standards? The Beneficial Ownership Information report is a document about the "true" owners or controllers of a firm. FinCEN is the organization in charge of enforcing financial regulation, and to better do this, they have redefined the standards for reporting. Companies must now name the beneficial owners of a firm, or else face legal repercussions.
These regulations have been in effect since the beginning of 2024. However, there is a grace period involved for most companies. If your firm was created before 2024, then you will have up until January 1, 2025 to report BOI. If your company was created between Jan 1, 2024 and Jan 1 2025, then you must report 90 calendar days after you receive a notice that your firm registration is effective. If your company was created after Jan 1, 2025, then you must file 30 days after you receive a notice about your your firm creation going through. And naturally, you have 30 days to update any changes in the information you put into your BOI report.
Many people may feel stressed or worried about this change. However, we at 200GFS can help you with anything you may need. Call us today and we will walk you through the entire process. Make an appointment today and feel secure in your firm's future.
WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 or Telegram
For Spanish communications: info@200gfs.com
viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2023
Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions, helps you grow in the U.S.
Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions, helps you establish yourself and grow in the American market. We are a company with professionals with 25 years worth of experience with international and domestic markets.
We do business registration in the United States.
We can get you a post address for your company's correspondence.
We can process your company EIN before the IRS.
We do corporate, cost, budget, and personal accounting.
We file corporate and personal taxes, and we are tax advisors and planners.
We deal with sales tax before the IRS.
And we do processing as Certifying Acceptance Agent to help you obtain an ITIN designation.
Public Notary within the state of Florida
Trademark registration for domestic and global markets.
Marketing development.
martes, 5 de diciembre de 2023
Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions, le ayuda a crecer en los Estados Unidos.
Two Hundred Global Financial Solutions, le ayuda a establecerse, crecer y expandirse en el mercado americano. Somos una empresa con profesionales con mas de 25 a帽os de experiencia en el mercado local e internacional.
Le incorporamos su empresa en los Estados Unidos de America.
Le conseguimos su direcci贸n postal para la correspondencia de su empresa o personal.
Le tramitamos su numero de identificacion de la empresa ante el IRS (EIN).
Llevamos Contabilidad Corporativa, de Costos, de Presupuesto y Personal.
Impuestos Corporativos y Personales (Taxes). Asesores Impositivos.
Sales Tax ante Florida Revenue.
Tramitaci贸n de ITIN Number como Agentes Certificados ante el IRS (CAA).
Servicio de Notaria Publica ante el Estado de Florida.
Registro de su marca comercial en el mercado americano o mundial.
Desarrollo de Marketing.Real Estate Residencial y Comercial.
Proyectos Econ贸micos, de inversion, para inmigraci贸n.
Asesoria en el registro del BOI ante el FinCen.
Tenemos distintos paquetes para su empresa ya est茅n sus due帽os en los Estados Unidos o fuera del pa铆s. Sistemas Outsourcing de administraci贸n.
Haga su cita ya sea en persona o por videoconferencia, para programar su proyecto de vida o de inversi贸n.
Consultenos a: www.200gfs.com
WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 (Spanish)
+1 (954) 882-4190 (English)
mi茅rcoles, 29 de noviembre de 2023
TWO HUNDRED GLOBAL FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS, le brinda el servicio de abrirle su empresa con una direcci贸n postal en los Estados Unidos.
Nosotros nos encargamos de recibir su correspondencia, clasificarla, abrir los sobres importantes, escanearlos y hacercelos llegar a su email.
Consulte nuestros precios y servicios.
Email: info@200gfs.com
WhatsApp: +1 (954) 882-4190 +1 (954) 261-2280
mi茅rcoles, 15 de noviembre de 2023
- Now is the time to make your appointment with us to schedule your taxes, be one of the first to get your refund. Having all the necessary precautions when preparing your taxes will avoid several visits and delays. We also serve through video calls, regardless of where you are in the United States or outside of here. Ask us, call right now and schedule your appointment.
- Ya es el momento de hacer su cita con nosotros para programar sus taxes, sea de los primeros en obtener su refund. Tener todos los recaudos al momento de elaborar sus impuestos le evitar谩 varias visitas y demoras. Nosotros tambi茅n atendemos a trav茅s de videollamadas, sin importar el lugar de Estados Unidos que se encuentre o fuera de aca. Consultanos, llama ahora mismo y programa tu cita.
WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 or Telegram
martes, 7 de noviembre de 2023
FinCEN Finalizes Rule for Use of FinCEN Identifiers in Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting (Actualizaciones de FinCEN: FinCEN finaliza la regla para el uso de identificadores de FinCEN en los informes de informaci贸n sobre beneficiarios reales)
FinCEN Finalizes Rule for Use of FinCEN Identifiers in Beneficial Ownership Information Reporting
On November 7, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) issued a final rule that specifies the circumstances in which a reporting company may report an entity’s FinCEN identifier in lieu of information about individual beneficial owners. A FinCEN identifier is a unique number that FinCEN will issue upon request after receiving required information. Although there is no requirement to obtain a FinCEN identifier, doing so can simplify the reporting process and allows entities or individuals to provide the required identifying information directly to FinCEN.
In response to commenter concerns that the reporting of entity FinCEN identifiers could obscure the identities of beneficial owners in a manner that might result in greater secrecy or incomplete or misleading disclosures, the final rule provides clear criteria that must be met in order for a reporting company to report an entity’s FinCEN identifier. The final rule will be effective January 1, 2024, to align with the effective date of the BOI Reporting Rule.
FinCEN finaliza regla para el uso de identificadores FinCEN en informes de informaci贸n sobre beneficiarios reales
El 7 de noviembre, la Red de Ejecuci贸n de Delitos Financieros (FinCEN) emiti贸 una norma final que especifica las circunstancias en las que una empresa que informa puede informar el identificador FinCEN de una entidad en lugar de informaci贸n sobre los beneficiarios finales individuales. Un identificador de FinCEN es un n煤mero 煤nico que FinCEN emitir谩 a pedido despu茅s de recibir la informaci贸n requerida. Aunque no es necesario obtener un identificador de FinCEN, hacerlo puede simplificar el proceso de presentaci贸n de informes y permite a entidades o individuos proporcionar la informaci贸n de identificaci贸n requerida directamente a FinCEN.
En respuesta a las preocupaciones de los comentaristas de que la presentaci贸n de informes sobre los identificadores FinCEN de la entidad podr铆a oscurecer las identidades de los beneficiarios finales de una manera que podr铆a resultar en un mayor secreto o revelaciones incompletas o enga帽osas, la regla final proporciona criterios claros que deben cumplirse para que una empresa que informa para informar el identificador FinCEN de una entidad. La regla final entrar谩 en vigencia el 1 de enero de 2024, para alinearse con la fecha de vigencia de la Regla de informes de la BOI.
martes, 31 de octubre de 2023
Los programas de asistencia educativa pueden ayudar a pagar los pr茅stamos estudiantiles de los trabajadores.
Los programas de asistencia educativa ofrecidos por los empleadores ahora se pueden utilizar para pagar el capital y los intereses de los pr茅stamos educativos calificados de un empleado. Tradicionalmente, estos programas se han utilizado para pagar libros, equipos, suministros, cuotas, matr铆cula y otros gastos educativos del empleado. Califican los pagos realizados directamente al prestamista, as铆 como los realizados al empleado.
Por ley, los beneficios libres de impuestos bajo un programa de asistencia educativa est谩n limitados a $5,250 por empleado por a帽o. Normalmente, la asistencia proporcionada por encima de ese nivel est谩 sujeta a impuestos como salario.
Aunque los programas de asistencia educativa han estado disponibles durante muchos a帽os, la opci贸n de utilizarlos para pagar pr茅stamos estudiantiles est谩 disponible solo para pagos realizados despu茅s del 27 de marzo de 2020. Seg煤n la ley actual, esta opci贸n estar谩 disponible hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2025.
Para obtener m谩s informaci贸n sobre otros requisitos, consulte:
Publicaci贸n 15-B, Gu铆a tributaria del empleador sobre beneficios complementarios
Publicaci贸n 970, Beneficios fiscales para la educaci贸n - Cap铆tulo 10, proporciona detalles sobre lo que califica como pr茅stamo estudiantil.
viernes, 27 de octubre de 2023
Estamos a algo mas de dos meses para comenzar otra nueva temporada de Impuestos, estas preparado para tantos cambios?
viernes, 20 de octubre de 2023
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services
Los Servicios de Ciudadan铆a e Inmigraci贸n de EE. UU. han publicado una gu铆a de pol铆ticas en el Manual de Pol铆ticas de USCIS que aclara que una empresa unipersonal no puede presentar una petici贸n en nombre de su propietario porque la empresa unipersonal no existe como una entidad legal distinta, separada y aparte del propietario.
Esta actualizaci贸n del Manual de pol铆ticas afirma la orientaci贸n existente. La actualizaci贸n distingue a un propietario 煤nico de un peticionario aut贸nomo (como una corporaci贸n o una compa帽铆a de responsabilidad limitada con un solo propietario), donde la corporaci贸n o la compa帽铆a de responsabilidad limitada de un solo miembro es una entidad legal separada y distinta de su propietario, que puede solicitar por ese propietario.
Esta actualizaci贸n tambi茅n aclara la orientaci贸n sobre las peticiones generales. Las organizaciones internacionales presentan peticiones generales L-1 en nombre de todas las entidades individuales nombradas en la petici贸n. USCIS est谩 actualizando la gu铆a de pol铆ticas para aclarar que el hecho de no presentar oportunamente una extensi贸n de la petici贸n general no activa el per铆odo de espera de 3 a帽os antes de que se pueda presentar otra petici贸n general.
Esta gu铆a, contenida en el Volumen 2 del Manual de Pol铆ticas, entra en vigencia de inmediato. La orientaci贸n contenida en el Manual de Pol铆ticas controla y reemplaza cualquier orientaci贸n previa relacionada sobre el tema.
La clasificaci贸n de visa de no inmigrante L-1 permite a un empleador estadounidense que sea parte de una organizaci贸n calificada transferir temporalmente empleados desde una de sus oficinas extranjeras relacionadas a ubicaciones en los Estados Unidos. Las pol铆ticas y pr谩cticas existentes de USCIS establecen que una empresa unipersonal no puede presentar una petici贸n L-1 en nombre de su propietario.
jueves, 19 de octubre de 2023
FinCEN Proposes New Regulation to Enhance Transparency in Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing and Combat Terrorist Financing
FinCEN Proposes New Regulation to Enhance Transparency in Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing and Combat Terrorist Financing
Immediate Release October 19, 2023
WASHINGTON—Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network (FinCEN) announced a Notice of Proposed Rule Making
(NPRM) that identifies international Convertible Virtual Currency
Mixing (CVC mixing) as a class of transactions of primary money
laundering concern. This NPRM highlights the risks posed by the extensive use
of CVC mixing services by a variety of illicit actors throughout the world and
proposes a rule to increase transparency around CVC mixing to combat its use by
malicious actors including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Democratic
People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). The NPRM is a key part of Treasury’s efforts
to promote transparency for CVC mixing activities.
“Today’s action underscores Treasury’s commitment to combatting the
exploitation of Convertible Virtual Currency mixing by a broad range of illicit
actors, including state-affiliated cyber actors, cyber criminals, and terrorist
groups,” said Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo. “More broadly,
the Treasury Department is aggressively combatting illicit use of all aspects
of the CVC ecosystem by terrorist groups, including Hamas and Palestinian
Islamic Jihad.”
“CVC mixing offers a critical service that allows players in the
ransomware ecosystem, rogue state actors, and other criminals to fund their
unlawful activities and obfuscate the flow of ill-gotten gains,” said FinCEN
Director Andrea Gacki. “This is FinCEN’s first ever use of the Section 311
authority to target a class of transactions of primary money laundering
concern, and, just as with our efforts in the traditional financial system,
Treasury will work to identify and root out the illicit use and abuse of the
CVC ecosystem.”
The lack of transparency surrounding international CVC mixing activity is
an acute money laundering and national security risk, and increasing
transparency in connection with this activity is a key component to denying
illicit actors access to the U.S. and global financial systems. This increased
transparency is also consistent with longstanding Treasury Department efforts
to counter the efforts of terrorist groups, such as Hamas and Palestinian
Islamic Jihad, that engage in violence against innocent civilians; the efforts
of ransomware criminals targeting critical infrastructure; and the efforts by
state actors and their supporters to evade U.S. and global sanctions. In
support of these important goals, the NPRM would require covered financial
institutions to report information about a transaction when they know, suspect,
or have reason to suspect it involves CVC mixing within or involving
jurisdictions outside the United States.
The proposed rule announced today follows multiple prior actions by
Treasury to target illicit finance involving the use of mixing services. In
February 2022, the 2022 National Money Laundering Risk Assessment (NMLRA)
identified that criminals have increased their use of anonymity-enhancing
technologies, including CVC mixing, to help hide the movement or origin of
funds. Shortly after publication of the NMLRA, OFAC designated Blender.io,
which provided mixing services that were used by DPRK to launder over $20.5
million from the Axie Infinity Heist in May 2022. In 2022, OFAC also designated
Tornado Cash, which provided mixing services that obfuscated the movement of
over $455 million stolen in March 2022 by the OFAC-designated, North
Korea-controlled Lazarus Group in the largest known virtual currency heist to
date. In addition to actions specifically focused on mitigating risks
associated with CVC mixing, Treasury has taken several other actions to counter
illicit finance in the CVC ecosystem more broadly. For example, in January
2023, FinCEN identified the virtual currency exchange Bitzlato Limited as a
primary money laundering concern in connection with Russian illicit finance, an
action coordinated with U.S. law enforcement and foreign partners.
The NPRM as submitted to the Federal Register is
currently available here.
A machine-readable version of the NPRM as transmitted to the Federal
Register will also soon be available on FinCEN’s website.
Written comments to the NPRM may be submitted within 90 days of publication of
the NPRM in the Federal Register.
FinCEN Proposes New Regulation to Enhance Transparency in Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing and Combat Terrorist Financing
FinCEN Proposes New Regulation to Enhance Transparency in Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing and Combat Terrorist Financing
Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) announced a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) that identifies international Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing (CVC mixing) as a class of transactions of primary money laundering concern. This NPRM highlights the risks posed by the extensive use of CVC mixing services by a variety of illicit actors throughout the world and proposes a rule to increase transparency around CVC mixing to combat its use by malicious actors including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). The NPRM is a key part of Treasury’s efforts to promote transparency for CVC mixing activities.
News Release: https://www.fincen.gov/news/
lunes, 16 de octubre de 2023
Convenience has become a bit of a clich茅 in marketing. It really does feel like that is what most of what we purchase nowadays have to say about why we should buy them. From microwave dinners to smart refrigerators, it does not even matter if its actually more convenient or even practical, there is always some twist to create the image of ease. And a lot of tax preparers fall into this category.
A lot of people get their taxes prepared by someone in a supermarket who has set up shop there. You go to them, ask them for their help, they ask for your supports; and then they proceed to write numbers on a computer. It is usually the most straightforward and immediate way to file to the IRS. Tons of people come to rely on these accountants because they are the most convenient option for them. But that convenience hides the fact that a lot of them have no idea what they are doing.
Usually this will be some program that is connected to the IRS, that can do the calculations for them. The design purpose of this feature is to avoid filling errors in the future, however this has a particular side-effect. Because the way the program is made, you are fully able to file your taxes without understanding one singular thing about tax code or process. This becomes problematic when it come to deductions. Many people qualify for deductions to their obligations, but because they are not familiar with the rules, they miss out on opportunities to save money. Most people go to their accountant because they trust them to make decisions with their insight on finances that will be to their benefit. And that is where we come in.
200GFS is a company that goes beyond the familiar and delves deep into the issues that may be causing you financial troubles. We are always increasing our variety of skills, services and insights into what we can do for you. We will not just file your taxes, but we will discuss with you options that can better your material situation. We provide access to several services from marketing to real estate to notary and so much more. So if you want someone who will go the distance for you, call us now at the number below or email us with the link.
Best wishes,
jueves, 12 de octubre de 2023
Some have compared legalese to a whole different language. Speaking casually in any language can be said to have one goal: sharing information. In order to do that, the cultures of the associated language will come to a middle-ground between how much the speaker should specify their meaning and how much the listener should interpret. What this creates is a standard from which the people of a language group may communicate with each other in a way that is natural, effective, and convenient for them. This is not how the law works.
Laws such as the tax code have unique challenges to them. For one, their purpose is less to communicate the intent of a speaker and more to define procedure and restrictions. By necessity, legalese is the way that it is because it needs to describe details and relationships that could usually be left to interpretation and context. Laws can not work like that, so instead each term is either specifically defined in the document or is agreed upon jargon for byzantine legal concepts. The syntax and prose must read less like a human speaking and more like reading out computer code due and the implications to certain phrases or wording are only clear through outside reading or insider knowledge. This can make it intimidating to try and learn the how the systems that control our lives work in detail. Here is where we step in.
200GFS is a firm that has several kinds of financial, legal, and business knowledge that is relevant to the everyday entrepreneur. We have struggled on to understand these nuanced and confusing regulations so that we can offer you the best servicing possible. Our company is not satisfied with just putting numbers into boxes and calling it a day, but instead we seek to understand the greater mechanism of the US tax system so that we can understand what is the best thing you can do for yourself. With us at your side, you will feel secured in your place in this country and confident in the direction you decide to take your business and finances. So get started with us today with the information below, and we will start delving in between the lines of the law for you.
martes, 10 de octubre de 2023
The government can often feel like the boogieman for business owners. An organization that can kick down your door and take away your livelihood. The very thing you have been working on for maybe years, all of it coming undone in what may feel like an agonizingly slow yet inevitable pace. A force that requires a yearly tribute, at minimum, to be kept within its territory. And worst of all, a power that is able to do all of this with relative impunity for it is the same being that created the rules of punishment in the first place. I do not know anyone who is does not find working with the government stressful in some capacity.
However, we can tell you that the government is not a boogieman. We at 200GFS have a wide field of knowledge regarding the financial related to the government. Don't sweat the details of wrestling with the law, we deal with that so you don't have to. So stop losing sleep because of the monster under the tax form, and get started with us with the information below.
USCIS Updates Guidance on EB-2 National Interest Waiver Petitions (USCIS actualiza la gu铆a sobre las peticiones de exenci贸n por inter茅s nacional EB-2) Recibidos
El Servicio de Ciudadan铆a e Inmigraci贸n de Estados Unidos est谩 actualizando su gu铆a de pol铆ticas para aclarar c贸mo evaluamos la elegibil...
Ahorre para su retiro ahora y reciba un cr茅dito tributario m谩s adelante: Cr茅dito del ahorrador puede ayudar a contribuyentes de recursos b...
No dejes de comunicarte con profesionales en el area tributaria, para tener una cita previa en donde se revisara los documentos, los ingre...
Rafael Alvarez Perpetrated and Oversaw One of the Largest Ever Tax Frauds by a Return Preparer Edward Y. Kim, the Acting United States Att...
¡Que no se te pase la temporada de taxes! Es hora de declarar tus taxes y aprovechar al m谩ximo tu devoluci贸n. No pierdas tiempo ni cometa...