jueves, 13 de junio de 2024



¿Tienes el sue帽o de abrir tu propia empresa en Estados Unidos? 馃嚭馃嚫 En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, estamos aqu铆 para hacer ese sue帽o realidad. Te ofrecemos asesoramiento completo y personalizado para guiarte en cada paso del proceso, desde la creaci贸n de tu plan de negocio hasta la obtenci贸n de todas las licencias necesarias.

¿Por qu茅 elegirnos?
✅ Amplia experiencia en el mercado estadounidense
✅ Asesoramiento legal y financiero
✅ Planes de negocio y estrategias de mercado
✅ Apoyo en la gesti贸n de tr谩mites y documentaci贸n

¡No dejes que los tr谩mites y las regulaciones te detengan! Visita nuestra p谩gina web a trav茅s del link en la bio y agenda una consulta gratuita. Juntos, haremos que tu empresa crezca en el pa铆s de las oportunidades. 馃殌✨
#EmprenderEnUSA #AperturaDeEmpresas #AsesoramientoEmpresarial #NegociosExitosos #EmpresasEnUSA

lunes, 10 de junio de 2024

Labor Market Trends and Predictions

The labor market is a hot topic. Many people are looking for work, and many are looking to employ. So most people want to at the very least get a feel for what may come. Naturally, this includes the Federal Reserve and the rest of the government. These institutions work hard to create a cohesive picture of what the futures may bring. Unfortunately, it seems that picture is unclear. 

The main concern of the Federal Reserve is inflation. They must choose whether to slash, keep, or raise interest rates. One of the ways they make that decision is by paying attention to the labor market. However the data seems contradictory at best. In non-agricultural jobs there is a 272,000 job increase, while in another survey 408,000 jobs were lost. Economists were expecting economic pressure to slow down the economy. Specifically, they expected government jobs to run out as funding to those places was used up. However, they are still growing. 

Average wages and total employees are on the rise. Paradoxically, it also seems like unemployment is rising as new jobs are being created. This has led to the Federal Reserve to abstain from raising prices any time soon. However, everyone is expecting a slump eventually. "If you have wage increases running higher than productivity would warrant, then there will be inflationary pressure,” Jerome H. Powell, the Fed chair, said about the topic. As these trends continue it could mean the spending power of consumers may fall even as their wages increase due to inflation. As such, no one truly knows what may happen next.

As of now people are expecting there to be a slow down in the economy. Not a recession, but a flattening of current trends. As of now, the Federal Reserve is schedule to meet up again next week and in July as of the writing of this blog. Here there will be discussions about what to do about interest rates. As such we are left with this in mind. The job market is good for the worker, though it has become progressively more inaccessible as older employees keep their jobs and employers do not provide openings or seek to replace their senior staff, making it harder for people in their early 20s to enter the workforce. So we suggest to prepare and take advantage of whatever opportunities you are able to get a hold off and prepare for whatever may come next.

Works Cited




martes, 4 de junio de 2024

¿Sue帽as con abrir tu propia empresa en Estados Unidos? 馃嚭馃嚫

 ¿Sue帽as con abrir tu propia empresa en Estados Unidos? 馃嚭馃嚫 En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, te ofrecemos asesoramiento integral y personalizado para que conviertas tu idea en una realidad. Desde la planificaci贸n inicial hasta la ejecuci贸n, te guiamos en cada paso del camino, asegur谩ndonos de que cumplas con todos los requisitos legales y administrativos.

¿Por qu茅 elegirnos?
✅ Experiencia y conocimiento del mercado
✅ Asesoramiento en estrategias de negocio
✅ Apoyo en la obtenci贸n de licencias y permisos
✅ Planes de financiaci贸n adaptados a tus necesidades

¡No esperes m谩s para dar el primer paso hacia tu 茅xito empresarial! Visita nuestra p谩gina web a trav茅s del link en la bio y agenda una consulta gratuita. Juntos, haremos que tu sue帽o empresarial se haga realidad. 馃殌✨

#Emprendimiento #AperturaDeEmpresas #NegociosUSA #AsesoramientoEmpresarial #脡xitoEmpresarial #EmpresasEnUSA

lunes, 3 de junio de 2024

Take Advantage of Clean Fuel Production Credit

When we talk about the IRS we usually talk in terms of what we have to pay. However, sometimes the government provides opportunities from which we may be relieved from our usual dues. The Clean Fuel Production Credit is one of such opportunities.

The Inflation Reduction Act rewards people for the production of fuel for transportation by giving them a tax credit. The credit is only available for registered organization during the relevant tax year. Additionally, there are two categories to consider: sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and non-SAF transportation fuel. It is tallied by the applicable gallon produced in conjunction to the emission factor. Naturally, the fuel needs to be of a certain quality for the credit to apply.

One must register under Code Sec. 4101. For SAF, there needs to be third-party certification of production standards. In order to be registered for the credit in 2025, one must get a letter from the IRS before January 1, 2025. This should be done by filing  Form 637, Application for Registration (for Certain Excise Tax Activities).

Work Cited



¿Quieres expandir tu negocio a Estados Unidos o comenzar una nueva empresa desde cero? 馃嚭馃嚫

 Cada persona y negocio es 煤nico. Por eso, en Two Hundred Global Financial Solution no solo hacemos taxes. Brindamos asesoramiento personalizado para ayudarte a gestionar y planificar tu vida financiera de manera efectiva. 馃馃搳 #Asesor铆aFinanciera #Impuestos #CrecimientoPersona

¿Quieres expandir tu negocio a Estados Unidos o comenzar una nueva empresa desde cero? 馃嚭馃嚫 En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, te ofrecemos el asesoramiento y apoyo que necesitas para abrir tu empresa con 茅xito. Te guiamos en cada paso, desde la creaci贸n del plan de negocio hasta la obtenci贸n de todas las licencias y permisos necesarios.

Nuestros servicios incluyen:
✅ Asesoramiento Impositivo, Contable y financiero
✅ Estrategias de marketing y expansi贸n
✅ Apoyo en la elecci贸n de la estructura empresarial
✅ Gesti贸n de tr谩mites y documentaci贸n

Transforma tu sue帽o en una realidad. Visita nuestra p谩gina web a trav茅s del link en la bio y agenda tu consulta gratuita hoy mismo. ¡Juntos, haremos crecer tu negocio en Estados Unidos! 馃専馃殌

#EmprenderEnUSA #AperturaDeEmpresas #AsesoramientoEmpresarial #NegociosExitosos #EmpresasEnUSA #CrecimientoEmpresarial

viernes, 31 de mayo de 2024


There are hundreds of stories about business owners. Everyday people get up and put their everything into their careers. Here are a few stories of small businesses and how they have managed in the market.

The Paperless Post

The siblings James and Alexa Hirschfeld started the Paperless Post in 2009, specializing in digital correspondence. Since the beginning of their firm, they have managed to send out 650 million invitations these past decades, being requested by celebrities and even appearing on Saturday Night Live. Marcy Blum, wedding designer for clients like LeBron James has compared the brand to the way Kleenex has become a generic term.

 Mr. Hirschfeld got his inspiration when dealing with invitations for his 21st birthday. Using physical copies would have been too costly and wasteful. James would call Alexa with an offer to join the start-up. Using their personal savings they made a prototype of their idea and eventually got their lucky break, garnering something under $1 million.

Naturally it has not all been smooth sailing. Due to the pandemic, their sales numbers dropped to the floor. Adding in that invitations have in recent years shifted to text messages through apps like WhatsApp. However, they are still keeping on to this very day, and the sibling owners are not about to give-up yet

The Kit Vintage

Robyn Goldberg has mange to provide a middle path for customers looking for vintage wear, between digging for scraps in a pile or taking a mortgage to get the work of designers past. Goldberg caters to a selection of customers including Lou Eyrich, famed costume designer. Robyn and her husband, Larry Plotitsa, along with his sister have being running the establishment for 7 years. 

Their clientele like to keep the couple's shop a secret as they are a shop that sells secondhand vintage wear at fair prices. Many designers browse their wares to get inspiration for their own designs and have allowed people to get incredible clothes for once-in-a-lifetime events.

Happy Cashier

Happy Cashier is a firm that provides cashiers that live in the Philippines, but are assign to New York City restaurants. This restaurant is part of a greater shift towards remote work. An answer to rising cost or an avenue for wage exploitation, this new paradigm is finding its footing within the American market. All of this through a zoom call with a 12-hour time difference. These virtual assistance not only help with orders, but also help coordinate deliveries, take phone calls, and oversee store reviews.

Chi Zhang is the man behind Happy Casheir. Even Mr. Zhang was surprised at the sudden uptick in his business, as he has been catch up to meet demand. The firm has had success in Queens, Manhattan, even Jersey City. Eventually, the goal would be that over a hundred restaurants would open in the state by the end of the year.

 Naturally there have been concers. These virtual waitress have wages less than half of present employees due to the nature of NYC labor laws. Many organizations have predicted this will reduce waitresses' ability to negotiate pay. The new system has faced back lash from people opposed to outsourcing overseas and some have compared this to sci-fi dystopian technology. In addition, some people do not read the hostesses as waiters but instead some have confused them with advertisements.







Tu 茅xito es nuestra misi贸n. 馃専 En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, trabajamos estrechamente contigo para entender tus necesidades y ayudarte a abrir tu empresa en Estados Unidos con total confianza. ¡Empieza hoy y construyamos juntos tu futuro empresarial! 馃捈✨ #SociosDeNegocios #Emprendedores #EstadosUnidos

jueves, 30 de mayo de 2024

Necesitas una empresa en USA y tener cuentas bancarias.

Deja las complejidades legales en nuestras manos. 馃捈 En  Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, nos encargamos de todos los tr谩mites necesarios para abrir tu empresa en Estados Unidos, para que t煤 puedas concentrarte en lo que mejor sabes hacer: hacer crecer tu negocio. 馃殌 #AperturaDeEmpresas #EmprenderEnUSA #EstadosUnidos


mi茅rcoles, 29 de mayo de 2024


According to an article by the Digital Project Manager, Florida ranked 1st place for most entrepreneurial state in the country. With the highest percentage of population that has started businesses, primarily because they wanted to be business owners rather because they needed the money. You can start your own business here today by clicking the link attached or by using the information below. Get your dream started today.




WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 or Telegram

For English communications: workacc200gfs@gmail.com

For Spanish communications: info@200gfs.com

El primer paso hacia el 茅xito es atreverse a dar el salto.


El primer paso hacia el 茅xito es atreverse a dar el salto. 馃専 En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, estamos aqu铆 para ayudarte a dar ese salto con confianza y seguridad. ¡Cont谩ctanos y comienza tu aventura empresarial en Estados Unidos hoy mismo! 馃捈✨ #Emprendedores #Negocios #EstadosUnidos

martes, 28 de mayo de 2024


Florida is a hot-spot for entrepreneurs. When it come to your options Florida offers many advantages other states might not. The sunshine state has many economic resources, financial freedoms, and bustling market, making it ideal for the burgeoning business owner. 

Florida has great economic resources for starting a business. There are many ways to get financing for starting a firm. There are many financial freedoms when it comes to opening and running a business. Red tape will not be a thing that stops you from setting shop here. In addition, the local and tourist market is bustling, making several opportunities for your growth.

Get started today and live the life you always wanted.

 #EmprenderEnUSA #Negocios #EstadosUnidos

Quieres expandir tu negocio o empezar desde cero, no esperes mas...

¡En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, tu 茅xito es nuestra prioridad! 馃捈✨ Ofrecemos asesor铆a personalizada y servicios completos para abrir tu empresa en Estados Unidos, asegur谩ndonos de que cada detalle est茅 cubierto. ¡Juntos haremos que tu empresa prospere! 馃殌 #EmprenderEnUSA #脡xitoEmpresarial #EstadosUnidos

Muchas personas en otros pa铆ses, desean expandir su empresa, o empezar un proyecto nuevo en los Estados Unidos, o necesitan tener una empresa para poder facturar y cobrar desde aca, pero no tienen idea por donde comenzar, actualmente hay muchos videos con informaci贸n falsa o con muchos errores que por solo conseguir unos likes, no les importa los problemas futuros que les ocasionan a los que creen en ellos, Si usted se siente mal no va a ver un video, si su auto necesita reparaci贸n no le va a hacer caso a alguien en las redes, usted busca a las personas adecuadas, establecidas y con a帽os de experiencia. pues es lo mismo en el tema de crecer financieramente en USA.
Visita nuestra pagina Web:   www.200gfs.com
o solicita una cita a trav茅s de nuestro email:  info@200gfs.com


viernes, 24 de mayo de 2024

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2024


 Nos enorgullece ser parte del viaje empresarial de nuestros clientes, ayud谩ndolos a establecerse en Estados Unidos y a alcanzar sus metas. ¡Cont谩ctanos para comenzar tu aventura empresarial! 馃捈✨ #脡xitoEmpresarial #Emprendedores #EstadosUnidos

mi茅rcoles, 22 de mayo de 2024



Te gustar铆a ayudar de una forma formal a los dem谩s, o tienes una Organizaci贸n Sin Fines de Lucro en tu pa铆s y est谩s pensando en abrir una en los Estados Unidos.

Nosotros te brindamos la asesor铆a para llevarte de la mano en todos los pasos, que podr铆an verse largos y casi imposibles, pero nosotros te vamos a llevar en cada paso, desde la Formaci贸n de la Organizaci贸n, tr谩mites ante el IRS, cuidado del dia a dia, declaraciones de impuestos informativas, publicaciones de ley y mucho m谩s.

Email:  info@200gfs.com

¿Quieres saber c贸mo abrir una empresa en Estados Unidos? 馃殌


¿Quieres saber c贸mo abrir una empresa en Estados Unidos? 馃殌 En  Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, simplificamos el proceso para ti. Desde el registro hasta la obtenci贸n de licencias, ¡te acompa帽amos en cada paso del camino! 馃捈 #Emprender,EnUSA, #Negocios, #EstadosUnidos,

LATIN PEOPLE NEWS: No te dejes enga帽ar: No hay un programa del gobier...

LATIN PEOPLE NEWS: No te dejes enga帽ar: No hay un programa del gobier... : No se ha aprobado un alivio econ贸mico para pagar tarjetas de cr茅d...