miércoles, 29 de junio de 2022

How can I protect my business from international fraud?

 U.S. exporters can reduce their exposure to credit card fraud in a number of ways, but keep in mind that each method has limitations: 

  • Use Common Sense: If something seems wrong—for example, if a buyer’s billing and shipping addresses don’t match (especially if the addresses are in different countries)— then scrutinize the order, and don’t process it until you’re sure the credit card being used is legitimate. 

  • Address-Verification System (AVS): Ask your bank how you can ensure that a buyer’s credit card is valid. An AVS—available from your credit card processing company and used to verify the identity of the person claiming to own a credit card—can determine whether the address on a buyer’s credit card account matches the address the buyer typed into your online order form. An AVS can check information for card holders in Canada and the United Kingdom, but not  elsewhere. 

  • Card Verification Number (CVN): At the time of purchase, many sellers require the customer to enter not only the credit card number but also a three- or four-digit security code (usually found on the back of the card). In theory, that number is available only to the card holder, so requiring it helps reduce the incidence of fraud. However, as more sellers require buyers to provide CVNs, savvy crooks likely will find ways to capture them, thus reducing the CVNs’ effectiveness as a fraud-prevention  tool. 

  • IP Geolocation: This service is available from various companies and enables a seller to identify a prospective buyer’s geographic location (country, region, ZIP/postal code) based on the IP address of the computer being used. If the country or region  of the buyer’s credit card address doesn’t match that of the IP address, the seller can flag the order and then investigate further or reject the order outright. This method is increasing in popularity, particularly among larger exporters. 

  • Background Checks: U.S. exporters—especially those involved in business to business (B2B) sales totaling thousands, and possibly millions, of dollars to a foreign agent or distributor—should conduct background checks on prospective buyers, even if that means taking the payment process offline or placing it on hold. Background checks may include purchasing a credit report on the prospective buyer, calling up references, or other practices. Conducting online due diligence in certain countries can be difficult; information about the company might be published in a language you can’t translate, or the practice of posting reviews of buyers and sellers online might not have caught on. Several firms can provide financial information about foreign companies, and the U.S. Commercial Service’s International Company Profile can help. Background checks can be costly and time-consuming, so they should be used only for higher value orders. 

  • Country Exclusions: If your company is small and you’re just testing the export waters, you might not want to ship to countries where the risk of fraud is high. Just be sure that your site lists those countries; that way, prospective customers won’t waste time building an order that can’t be filled. 

  • Additional Resources: The best resources you have for combating fraud are your bank and the credit card companies themselves. These groups spend millions of dollars to combat credit card fraud, and then they share that information with you in an effort to reduce fraud.   

  • Use a Third-Party Payment Product That Assumes Risk: You can shift fraud risk to a third party, such as PayPal and Alipay. The third party will take on the responsibility of vetting the buyers and their creditworthiness. Similar to providers of commercial bank cards, the payment product company will charge a transaction fee and a fee for converting a foreign currency into dollars. 

Querer hacer negocios en USA. Entrevista a Juan Fanti por Jeanette Salva...

Apertura tu empresa en los Estados Unidos, sabes como...


Pregunta: Porque la gente renuncia?


martes, 28 de junio de 2022

City of Weston

June 28, 2022
Next Regular City Commission Meeting: Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Happy Independence Day
It's Time to Celebrate Fun, Freedom and Fireworks
You won’t want to miss Weston's Hometown Fourth of July festivities this year! Kick off your holiday on SUNDAY, JULY 3 enjoying an evening of music and interactive games at Regional Park that culminates with a fantastic fireworks finale.

On the morning of Independence Day – MONDAY, JULY 4 – start a new holiday tradition with your family and friends by running (or walking) in the 5K Run/Walk event, hosted by the City in partnership with the Weston YMCA Family Center and the YMCA of South Florida. The race starts at 7:15 a.m. sharp. Race registration is still open! The festivities wrap up with Weston’s favorite Hometown Celebration Parade which winds through the Weston Town Center. The parade steps off at 10:30 a.m., but arrive early to pick your seat curbside. 
2022 Grand Marshals for Weston's Hometown Celebration Parade for July 4th. The logos of the Florida Panthers Hockey Club - the Grand Marshalls - and the City of Weston July 4th Event Logo
Grand Marshals of Our Hometown Parade
The Florida Panthers
We are excited to cheer on our 2022 Grand Marshals -- the Florida Panthers Hockey Club - Featuring 14-year NHL veteran, Bill Lindsay, who played 506 games as a member of the Florida Panthers, along with the coolest mascots of the National Hockey League, Stanley C. Panther and Viktor E. Ratt., as they travel through the parade route on Monday. Lindsay was one of the original players of the Florida Panthers expansion team in 1993, playing a key role in Florida’s 1996 Stanley Cup Final appearance. He now serves as the Radio Color Analyst for the Florida Panthers.

The Florida Panthers are the winners of the 2021-2022 NHL Presidents’ Trophy, awarded to the team with the best record during the regular season. We are proud to honor our hometown team this year! 
Independence Day
Happy 246th Birthday, America! It was in the early morning hours of July 4, 1776, that the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. Leading up to that moment, the Virginia Convention passed a resolution on May 15, 1776 that "the delegates appointed to represent this colony in General Congress be instructed to propose to that respectable body to declare the United Colonies free and independent states." In keeping with these instructions, Richard Henry Lee presented a resolution to the Continental Congress on June 7, 1776. A Committee of Five was appointed to draft a statement that would declare to the world the colonies' case for independence. That statement would become the Declaration of Independence.

City of Weston Holiday Observance | Monday, July 4, 2022
All City administrative offices (City Hall, Community Center, Public Works Services Center, and Building Department) will be closed on Monday, July 4, 2022, in observance of Independence Day.

City parks will close at 6 p.m. There will be regular garbage and recycling services. 
Fourth of July
Holiday Safety for You and Your Pets
Fourth of July celebrations are a great opportunity to gather with friends and family and that means your pets, too. Keep your pets out of the festivities as it is the biggest night of the year for lost pets. Both cats and dogs panic and flee from the bright lights and loud noises of fireworks, party revelers and music. Follow these tips to make your holiday stress free for both you and your favorite furry friend. 
Weston Ranked Second in Florida's 50 Safest Cities
Well, Weston, we did it again! Another year, another finish near the top of SafeWise's annual Florida's Safest Cities ranking.
SafeWise compiles the list by analyzing crime rates and trends over time. Only Niceville, in the Panhandle, finished higher than The City of Weston. The average violent crime rate among the safest cities was 1.3 incidents per 1,000 residents; Weston’s rate was just 0.5. Weston also rated well below state and national averages for property crime, with just 4.3 incidents.
We hope you take as much pride in this recognition as we do and, as always, "Thank You" to our partners at Broward Sheriff's Office - Weston District and the Fire department.
Weston is an Autism Friendly Community
Making life a little easier, and friendlier, one step at a time. On June 21, 2022 the City of Weston was recognized as an Autism Friendly Community by the UM-NSU Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD) and Helping Adults with Autism Perform and Excel (HAAPE). The City Commission couldn’t have been any prouder as they accepted a plaque in honor of this accomplishment. 
Freedom Week Sales Tax Holiday
July 1 - 7, 2022
Take advantage of the sales tax savings on all things outdoors and recreation- related during the Freedom Week Sales Tax Holiday from Friday, July 1 through Thursday, July 7.
Consumers can purchase qualifying recreation and outdoor items and admission tickets for entertainment and cultural events tax free. If you are planning to be out and about at the City’s Fourth of July events - Fireworks on the evening of July 3rd and the Weston Hometown July 4 Parade the next morning - you can purchase your insect repellent, sunscreen, and sunglasses all tax free! 
Light blue background with piggy bank with text about upcoming sales tax holidays with the holiday name and dates
Additional Sales Tax Holidays
Home Hardening, Baby Supplies, Energy Star Appliances
Starting July 1, three additional Florida sales tax holidays are in effect for a year or more.
  • Baby Supplies: Qualifying children’s diapers and clothing are tax exempt beginning Friday, July 1, 2022 through Friday, June 30, 2023.
  • ENERGY STAR Appliances: Qualifying ENERGY STAR appliances are tax exempt beginning Friday, July 1, 2022 through Friday, June 30, 2023.
  • Home Hardening: Qualifying home hardening products are tax exempt beginning Friday, July 1, 2022 through Sunday, June 30, 2024. 
WestonGov Academy
Inaugural Class Honored
Twenty participants were presented with Certificates of Completion in the City’s first Class of the WestonGov Academy. Running from April 7 through June 21 both staff and ‘students’ said time flew by. All will miss the program and the interaction, as by all accounts, this experiment into a civic education program for resident adults was a success. The City received great feedback from participants and in return staff was refreshed and enthused to have participants soaking up knowledge about their city and grateful for the experience. Announcement of the next WestonGov Academy will be posted in the City’s eNewsletter, website and social media next year in March 2023. 
What's on the Web?
New Address Lookup Feature
The City website has many easy access features, but this new one really hits the mark as a one-stop shop for information. The Address Lookup feature is located on the homepage in the upper right corner. Just click it, enter an address and you are provided a wealth of information that relates to your property address - including flood zone, schools, city services and elected officials - all in ONE location.

USCIS Updates Guidance on EB-2 National Interest Waiver Petitions (USCIS actualiza la guía sobre las peticiones de exención por interés nacional EB-2) Recibidos

  El Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Estados Unidos está  actualizando  su guía de políticas para aclarar cómo evaluamos la elegibil...