viernes, 28 de junio de 2024

En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, no solo te brindamos asesoría financiera, sino que nos convertimos en tus socios en el éxito financiero. 💼✨

 En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, no solo te brindamos asesoría financiera, sino que nos convertimos en tus socios en el éxito financiero. 💼✨ Juntos, creamos estrategias personalizadas que te llevan a alcanzar tus metas y asegurar tu futuro económico.

Confía en nosotros para ser tus aliados en cada paso hacia el éxito. Tu triunfo es nuestro compromiso. Descubre más en el link de la bio. 🔗 #SociosFinancieros #ÉxitoFinanciero #AsesoríaFinanciera #PlanificaciónFinanciera #AliadosEnTuÉxito

jueves, 27 de junio de 2024

En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, nos dedicamos a ayudarte a alcanzar esa paz mental a través de una planificación financiera inteligente y personalizada.

 🌟💼 En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, nos dedicamos a ayudarte a alcanzar esa paz mental a través de una planificación financiera inteligente y personalizada.

¿Por qué es importante la seguridad financiera?
✅ Protege tu patrimonio y el de tu familia
✅ Te permite tomar decisiones con confianza
✅ Asegura un futuro estable y sin preocupaciones

Deja que nuestros expertos te guíen en el camino hacia una vida financiera más segura y tranquila. Descubre cómo en el link de la bio. 🔗 #SeguridadFinanciera #TranquilidadFinanciera #PlanificaciónFinanciera #FuturoSeguro #PazMental

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2024

¿Qué es un Enrolled Agent?


¿Qué es un Enrolled Agent?

Un Enrolled Agent (Agente Inscrito, por su traducción al español) es un profesional de impuestos autorizado por el gobierno de los Estados Unidos para representar a los contribuyentes de impuestos en asuntos relacionados con el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS).

Los Enrolled Agents deben aprobar un examen o tener suficiente experiencia como empleado del IRS y aprobar una verificación de antecedentes. Estos fueron creados por primera vez en 1884 debido a los problemas que surgieron con las reclamaciones de pérdidas durante la Guerra Civil estadounidense.

Los Enrolled Agents, al igual que los abogados especialistas en impuestos y los contadores públicos certificados (CPAs), tienen derechos de práctica ilimitados. Esto significa que no tienen restricciones en cuanto a cuáles contribuyentes pueden representar, qué tipos de asuntos fiscales pueden manejar y ante qué oficinas del IRS pueden representar a los clientes. 

El estado de Enrolled Agent es la credencial más alta que otorga el IRS. Las personas que obtienen este estatus de élite deben cumplir con estándares éticos y completar 72 horas de cursos de educación continua cada tres años.

Entendiendo el Rol de los Enrolled Agents

Un Enrolled Agent es un profesional de impuestos con licencia federal que tiene derechos ilimitados para representar a los contribuyentes ante el IRS por cualquier problema relacionado con cobros, auditorías o apelaciones de impuestos.

De acuerdo con la Asociación Nacional de Agentes Inscritos (NAEA, por sus siglas en inglés), la organización que representa a los Enrolled Agents, estos tienen permitido asesorar, representar y preparar declaraciones de impuestos para personas, corporaciones, sociedades, patrimonios, fideicomisos y cualquier otra persona que deba reportar ante el IRS.

Beneficios de utilizar un Enrolled Agent

Los miembros de la Asociación Nacional de Agentes Inscritos deben completar 30 horas por año de educación continua o 90 horas cada tres años, lo cual es significativamente más que el requisito previo del IRS. Los Enrolled Agents ofrecen planificación fiscal, preparación de impuestos y servicios de representación para empresas y particulares.

Enrolled Agent Vs. Otros Profesionales de Impuestos

Los Enrolled Agent están obligados a demostrar su competencia en todos los aspectos de los impuestos, la ética y la representación, a diferencia de los contadores públicos y los abogados, que no necesariamente se especializan en impuestos.

¿Tienes una idea brillante y quieres llevarla al siguiente nivel? 🌟

 ¿Tienes una idea brillante y quieres llevarla al siguiente nivel? 🌟 En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, te ayudamos a abrir tu empresa en Estados Unidos, brindándote el apoyo y la experiencia que necesitas para triunfar. ¡Hagamos realidad tus sueños empresariales juntos! 🚀

 #EmprenderEnUSA #Negocios #estadosunidos #irs #itin #juanfanti #miami #florida #texas #newyork #argentina

lunes, 24 de junio de 2024

The Madrid Protocol

Want to go international with your business? Then you might need to Register with WIPO. The World Intellectual Property Organization is a United Nations entity that deals with trademarks, patents, and other intellectual property matters. Through a collaboration between over 100 nations, the Madrid Accord affords entrepreneurial individuals and large organizations alike an option to register their IPs across borders with less of a hassle.

Typically, when registering an IP across national boundaries, there needs to be heavy costs. When filing in different countries, one will need to hire a representative in the country of filing. In addition, there are translation fees that need to be filed. Multiply by the number of countries that one wishes to expand to, and the costs escalate dramatically. That is to say nothing of the years it would take for all of the paperwork to process.

With the Madrid Protocol, you can register your IPs across the 131 countries partnered with WIPO. You can do all of this from your home country, online, in your language. This way, you only need to register once, and only pay the processing fees and wait times. If you have any ambitions to go across borders with your brand, consider using the Madrid Protocol, and call us today to learn more about this.


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domingo, 23 de junio de 2024

IRS announces new steps to combat abusive use of partnerships; agency’s focus intensifies as new guidance closes loopholes worth tens of billions


New IRS teams being established; new guidance designed to stop partnerships from using sophisticated tax-free transactions that lack economic substance

IR-2024-166, June 17, 2024

WASHINGTON — As part of ongoing efforts to focus more attention on high-income compliance issues, the Internal Revenue Service announced today a new series of steps to combat abusive partnership transactions that allow wealthy taxpayers to avoid paying what they owe.

IRS compliance work continues to accelerate in this complex area of law following Inflation Reduction Act funding. As part of this, the agency is announcing a new dedicated group in the Office of Chief Counsel specifically focused on developing guidance on partnerships, including closing loopholes. The office will work closely with a new pass-through work group being established in the IRS Large Business and International division that will be formally established this fall.

The IRS and the Department of the Treasury today also issued three pieces of guidance focused on partnerships following discoveries by IRS audit teams. Currently, the IRS has tens of billions of dollars of deductions claimed in these transactions under audit.

The new guidance is designed to stop the use of “basis shifting” transactions that use related-party partnerships to avoid taxes. In these complex moves, high-income taxpayers and corporations strip basis from assets they own where the basis is not generating tax benefits and then move the basis to assets they own where it will generate tax benefits without causing any meaningful change to the economics of their businesses. These basis shifting transactions allow closely related parties to avoid taxes.

Treasury estimates these abusive transactions, which cut across a wide variety of industries and individuals, could potentially cost taxpayers more than $50 billion over a 10-year period.

“This announcement signals the IRS is accelerating our work in the partnership arena, which has been overlooked for more than a decade and allowed tax abuse to go on for far too long,” said IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel. “We are building teams and adding expertise inside the agency so we can reverse long-term compliance declines that have allowed high-income taxpayers and corporations to hide behind complexity to avoid paying taxes. Billions are at stake here.”

Using IRA funds, the IRS is increasing audits on complex partnerships, and the issues covered in this guidance will emerge as an important focus area.

The IRS is looking at these issues in current audits and will equip examiners to identify these issues on other partnership returns identified for examination as part of either the Large Partnership Compliance (LPC) program, partnership audit campaigns or other selection methods.

In addition, the new guidance provides greater clarity to taxpayers and examiners. And when final regulations are issued, the increased reporting requirements under the Transactions of Interest (TOI) announced today would give the IRS greater awareness of these arrangements, which are difficult to identify from the face of the tax return.

Werfel noted the guidance today is another sign that IRS compliance activity involving partnerships is accelerating and is needed given indications that marketing to promote basis-shifting transactions is increasing.

“In essence, basis shifting amounts to a shell game where sophisticated tax maneuvers take place by shifting the basis of assets between closely related entities, ultimately allowing these complex partnership arrangements to hide from a tax bill,” Werfel said. “These complicated maneuvers take time and resources for the IRS to uncover. The new guidance is aimed at telling promoters that the IRS considers these transactions inappropriate, and we are bringing new Inflation Reduction Act resources into play to beef up our compliance work in the overlooked partnerships and pass-throughs area.”

Partnerships are part of a category of pass-through organizations under the federal tax code. Pass-throughs include entities such as partnerships and S-corporations. These groups are not subject to the corporate income tax; instead, income is "passed through" onto the income tax returns of the individual or corporate owners and taxed at their income tax rates. Partnerships and other pass-throughs are frequently used by higher-income groups and can be complex tax arrangements.

During the past decade, IRS budget cuts have made it harder for the agency to focus compliance resources on partnerships. Tax filings from pass-through businesses with more than $10 million in assets jumped to nearly 300,000 filings in 2019, 70% more than 2010. At the same time, audit rates fell from 3.8% in 2010 to 0.1% in 2019.

To counter these continuing compliance concerns, the IRS is using funding from the Inflation Reduction Act to strengthen enforcement among high-income taxpayers and corporations, with a special focus on partnerships. The IRS continues to work to add more top talent to help improve compliance work in this area.

The IRS has already announced a series of steps to improve compliance involving high-income individuals and partnerships, including launching audits on 76 of the largest partnerships with average assets over $10 billion that includes hedge funds, real estate investment partnerships, publicly traded partnerships, large law firms and many other industries. The IRS announced today that these complex audits are proceeding and in various stages of the process. These audits can take years depending on the size and complexity of the partnerships.

As part of the increased focus on this area, IRS Chief Counsel Margie Rollinson announced the creation of new Associate Office that will focus exclusively on partnerships, S-corporations, trusts and estates.

“This new Associate office will allow the Chief Counsel organization to focus more directly on this complex area of the tax law and allow more attention to legal guidance and other priorities in the partnership arena,” Rollinson said.

The Associate Office will be drawn from the current Passthroughs and Special Industries (PSI) Office. The “Special Industries” piece of Chief Counsel’s former PSI Office will form a new Associate office as well to focus on energy, credits and incentives and excise taxes, joining another office that has been focused on clean energy guidance.

The new Chief Counsel office will work in close coordination with IRS business units. This includes LB&I, which earlier announced plans to establish a special work group focused on pass-throughs, including complex partnerships. Although work has already started in this area, LB&I plans to formally establish the new work group this fall.

Werfel noted that for the new workgroups in both Counsel and LB&I, the IRS plans to bring in outside experts with private-sector experience regarding pass-throughs to work alongside the expert in-house knowledge of current IRS employees.

“This is an area where the IRS has not had the resources to keep pace with growth in the number of partnerships and the sophisticated tax maneuvers taking place,” Werfel said. “We are continuing to accelerate our work in this area. We need to hone-in on areas where we believe non-compliance has proliferated during the last decade of IRS budget cuts, and partnerships represent an area where complex business structures have allowed millionaires and high-income earners to avoid paying what they legally owe while average taxpayers play by the rules.


viernes, 21 de junio de 2024

En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, te ofrecemos servicios de organización y planificación fiscal para que cumplas con tus obligaciones a tiempo y evites sorpresas desagradables.

 En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, te ofrecemos servicios de organización y planificación fiscal para que cumplas con tus obligaciones a tiempo y evites sorpresas desagradables. 
Consulta más información en el link de la bio. 🔗 #PagosDeImpuestos #PlanificaciónFiscal #EmpresasExitosas #GestiónFinanciera"

jueves, 20 de junio de 2024



We offer services of:

Website and Domain Creation

Trademark Registration

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Marketing Strategy Development

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Call now to learn more about how we can service you today! 

Organizar tus finanzas es triunfar en la vida, no le dejes para cuando sea tarde para ti.

 Hacer los taxes personales o corporativos, no es solo llevar los documentos a tu contador al año siguiente y esperar que todo salga bien. No dejes todo a la suerte, tu tambien tienes que darle una mano a tu vida, a tus ingresos y al pago de tus impuestos.

Muchas personas piensan que no declarar todo, o no declarar lo que se gana en cash, están ganándole a la vida, pero en el momento que quieres comprar casa, auto, pedir una linea de credito en el banco, te encuentras que no tienes nada demostrable y te niegan el préstamo.

Si eres self-employment, y sacas dinero de tu cuenta de tu empresa, además de estar haciendo varias cosas malas, no estás aportando para tu retiro, y lamentablemente las personas se dan cuenta cuanto precisamente están en la edad de retirarse.

Hacerte el vivo con tus finanzas, a veces es la peor desicion de tu vida.

Nosotros te asesoramos de forma integral y te llevamos de la mano, para que no caigas en errores financieros o aun peor en delitos fiscales que te pueden llevar a penalidades civiles y penales.

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miércoles, 19 de junio de 2024

LATIN PEOPLE NEWS: Cómo mantener a los piratas informáticos alejados ...

LATIN PEOPLE NEWS: Cómo mantener a los piratas informáticos alejados ...: Cómo mantener a los piratas informáticos alejados de tus cuentas Como la mayoría de la gente, probablemente utilizas una contraseña segura p...

martes, 18 de junio de 2024

Te ofrecemos asesoría completa para hacerlo realidad. Desde la planificación financiera hasta el cumplimiento legal, estamos aquí para ayudarte. 💼✨

 Te ofrecemos asesoría completa para hacerlo realidad. Desde la planificación financiera hasta el cumplimiento legal, estamos aquí para ayudarte. 💼✨

Consulta gratuita en el link de la bio. 🔗 #AperturaDeEmpresas #AsesoríaEmpresarial #EmprenderEnUSA

lunes, 17 de junio de 2024


 ¡Es hora de hacer realidad tus sueños empresariales en Estados Unidos! 🇺🇸🌟 En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, creemos en tu potencial y te brindamos la asesoría necesaria para que tu negocio florezca. Desde la planificación financiera hasta la gestión legal, estamos contigo en cada paso del camino.

¡Aprovecha las oportunidades que EE.UU. tiene para ofrecer! Tu futuro empresarial está al alcance de tu mano. 🚀✨

Consulta gratuita en el link de la bio. 🔗 #EmprenderEnUSA #AperturaDeEmpresas #SueñosHechosRealidad #AsesoríaEmpresarial #ÉxitoEmpresarial

viernes, 14 de junio de 2024


 ¿Necesitas una gestión financiera integral? 💼✨ En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, ofrecemos planificación financiera, gestión de inversiones, asesoramiento fiscal y más. Confía en nuestros expertos para asegurar tu futuro financiero.

Agenda una consulta gratuita a través del link en la bio. 🔗 #ServiciosFinancieros #PlanificaciónFinanciera #Inversiones #AsesoramientoFiscal

jueves, 13 de junio de 2024



¿Tienes el sueño de abrir tu propia empresa en Estados Unidos? 🇺🇸 En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, estamos aquí para hacer ese sueño realidad. Te ofrecemos asesoramiento completo y personalizado para guiarte en cada paso del proceso, desde la creación de tu plan de negocio hasta la obtención de todas las licencias necesarias.

¿Por qué elegirnos?
✅ Amplia experiencia en el mercado estadounidense
✅ Asesoramiento legal y financiero
✅ Planes de negocio y estrategias de mercado
✅ Apoyo en la gestión de trámites y documentación

¡No dejes que los trámites y las regulaciones te detengan! Visita nuestra página web a través del link en la bio y agenda una consulta gratuita. Juntos, haremos que tu empresa crezca en el país de las oportunidades. 🚀✨
#EmprenderEnUSA #AperturaDeEmpresas #AsesoramientoEmpresarial #NegociosExitosos #EmpresasEnUSA

lunes, 10 de junio de 2024

Labor Market Trends and Predictions

The labor market is a hot topic. Many people are looking for work, and many are looking to employ. So most people want to at the very least get a feel for what may come. Naturally, this includes the Federal Reserve and the rest of the government. These institutions work hard to create a cohesive picture of what the futures may bring. Unfortunately, it seems that picture is unclear. 

The main concern of the Federal Reserve is inflation. They must choose whether to slash, keep, or raise interest rates. One of the ways they make that decision is by paying attention to the labor market. However the data seems contradictory at best. In non-agricultural jobs there is a 272,000 job increase, while in another survey 408,000 jobs were lost. Economists were expecting economic pressure to slow down the economy. Specifically, they expected government jobs to run out as funding to those places was used up. However, they are still growing. 

Average wages and total employees are on the rise. Paradoxically, it also seems like unemployment is rising as new jobs are being created. This has led to the Federal Reserve to abstain from raising prices any time soon. However, everyone is expecting a slump eventually. "If you have wage increases running higher than productivity would warrant, then there will be inflationary pressure,” Jerome H. Powell, the Fed chair, said about the topic. As these trends continue it could mean the spending power of consumers may fall even as their wages increase due to inflation. As such, no one truly knows what may happen next.

As of now people are expecting there to be a slow down in the economy. Not a recession, but a flattening of current trends. As of now, the Federal Reserve is schedule to meet up again next week and in July as of the writing of this blog. Here there will be discussions about what to do about interest rates. As such we are left with this in mind. The job market is good for the worker, though it has become progressively more inaccessible as older employees keep their jobs and employers do not provide openings or seek to replace their senior staff, making it harder for people in their early 20s to enter the workforce. So we suggest to prepare and take advantage of whatever opportunities you are able to get a hold off and prepare for whatever may come next.

Works Cited

martes, 4 de junio de 2024

¿Sueñas con abrir tu propia empresa en Estados Unidos? 🇺🇸

 ¿Sueñas con abrir tu propia empresa en Estados Unidos? 🇺🇸 En Two Hundred Global Financial Solution, te ofrecemos asesoramiento integral y personalizado para que conviertas tu idea en una realidad. Desde la planificación inicial hasta la ejecución, te guiamos en cada paso del camino, asegurándonos de que cumplas con todos los requisitos legales y administrativos.

¿Por qué elegirnos?
✅ Experiencia y conocimiento del mercado
✅ Asesoramiento en estrategias de negocio
✅ Apoyo en la obtención de licencias y permisos
✅ Planes de financiación adaptados a tus necesidades

¡No esperes más para dar el primer paso hacia tu éxito empresarial! Visita nuestra página web a través del link en la bio y agenda una consulta gratuita. Juntos, haremos que tu sueño empresarial se haga realidad. 🚀✨

#Emprendimiento #AperturaDeEmpresas #NegociosUSA #AsesoramientoEmpresarial #ÉxitoEmpresarial #EmpresasEnUSA

Corporate Transparency Act’s Reporting Obligations Revived

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