martes, 24 de agosto de 2021

Florida Department of Environmental Protection


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Eric Draper Headshot


Summertime is often synonymous with baseball and, just like a baseball team, the Florida Park Service keeps a multitude of statistics.

But rather than hits, home runs and strikeouts, we measure our results based on each fiscal year – the most recent of which ended on June 30.

I’m pleased to share that our statistics reflect a winning season.

Persevering through a time that presented challenge after challenge, our park staff across the state delivered a year for the record books. Among the highlights:

  • We welcomed a record number of visitors in several individual months, which led to our highest total revenue since 2016-2017.
  • Our good work was recognized with a budget from the Florida Legislature that allows us to invest more in park improvements and resource management than ever before.
  • We exceeded our goals for treating invasive exotic vegetation such as Australian pines and Brazilian peppers.
  • Nearly 10 million people enjoyed walking, running, bicycling or any of the myriad ways to explore our state's trails.

And while every single member of our team contributed to these successes, I also want to shine a spotlight on an equally important part of our team: our park visitors. None of these achievements would be possible were it not for the people who love Florida State Parks.

As we embark on another year, we’re excited to pursue new goals.

We’re striving to:

  • Encourage more community members to join our corps of dedicated volunteers –  visit our volunteer portal for more information.
  • Create a richer park experience through updated interpretive facilities, exhibits, programs and events.
  • Continue our pioneering work in prescribed fire, which provides immeasurable benefit to Florida’s natural resources.
  • Recruit new park staff as we continue to deliver outstanding service.

We at the Florida Park Service are proud to be the nation's only four-time Gold Medal winner for excellence and we believe that achievement is reflective of our status as America’s best parks.

And we also hope that our state parks are a source of pride for all Floridians.


Eric Draper




The Florida State Parks Foundation is leading the way for the new Florida State Parks specialty license tag. Vote for your favorite design this month.

learn more here


In honor of National Honey Bee Day on Aug. 21, check out some of Florida's favorite pollinating bees, butterflies, moths and birds.

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Florida State Parks offer great views for meteor showers and stargazing. Here are four great parks where you can keep an eye on the night sky!


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With World Literacy Day right around the corner, now is a great time to read any of the many books that take place in Florida.


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Summer Sightings

Keep an eye out for these Florida natives on your next park visit.

  • Eastern lubber grasshoppers: Seen in South Florida year-round, these large and colorful grasshoppers reach their peak numbers in August along the Gulf Coast. 
  • Juvenile sea turtles: Tiny turtles will be hatching out of their nests throughout late summer and early fall under the cover of night. If you’re out for an early beach walk, look for tiny crawl marks in the sand. Please remember not to pick up or disturb turtles – they’re healthiest when left alone. 
  • Yellow warblers: These tiny songbirds may start their migration early. From Florida, they’ll make a nonstop journey over the Gulf of Mexico to winter in Central America. 
  • American alligator: Late summer means baby alligators. Listen for their little chirps. Not only is it surprisingly cute, it’s also a good warning that mom might be nearby! 
  • Summer wildflowers: Some of our favorite native flowers put on a beautiful summer display. These include beach sunflower, blanket flower, butterflyweed, passionflower swamp rosemallow and spider lilies.

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