martes, 19 de abril de 2022



April 19, 2022
Next Regular City Commission Meeting: Monday, May 2, 2022
Thank You to Our Volunteers During National Volunteer Week 2022!
And Every Week Year Round
Weston, probably even more than other cities in Broward, has a very broad base of volunteers that the City counts on for sports leagues, arts & cultural programming and even community response teams. Volunteer Week should not go unnoticed. Volunteers around the City and around the globe provide an extremely valuable service to society and within communities. 
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Celebrate Earth Day the Weston Way
Join us this Saturday, April 23
It’s time to celebrate all things green and sustainable at the City of Weston’s inaugural Earth Day - The Weston Way celebration this Saturday, April 23, from10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Library Park. Enjoy hands-on earth-friendly activities, educational displays and giveaways from a variety of local agencies, and a live DJ with music and giveaways. Watch the creativity of our chalk artist come to life as a 3D design is created onsite.

At the event you will learn about the City’s efforts to become a Community Wildlife Habitat through the National Wildlife Federation, and how Weston residents can register their own gardens or yards, too.  
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Two men collection hazardous waste supplies for the Household Hazardous Waste Event
Spring Cleaning
Household Hazardous Waste Disposal & Electronics Recycling Collection
Time for some Earth-friendly spring cleaning, too! Pull out all of the unused and unwanted chemicals around your home and garage and set them aside to drop off at our collection event on Sunday, April 24. Unwanted electronics (computers, fax machines, monitors, keyboards, etc.) are also collected for recycling purposes.

There’s no need to get out of your vehicle, just drive through at the Public Works Services Center, 2599 South Post Road, anytime between 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Pull up and pop your trunk and the items will be removed and sorted onsite. Click below for a full list of items and additional details.
Protect Our Planet Tip
April is Earth Month, a time for everyone to recommit to their sustainability and health efforts. Join us in using our P.O.P. Month tips to lead a more environmentally-friendly lifestyle. Follow our Facebook and Twitter feeds all month long for more eco tips.
Here's today's P.O.P. Tip:

Clean the lint filter of your dryer before every load to dry your clothes faster. 
Weston University Class of 2022
Simulated Commission Meeting
The final class session for this year’s Weston University program brought the students together to lead a simulated City Commission Meeting at City Hall last Tuesday. The students took various roles that brought to life some of the local government processes that they learned about over the last seven months. Take a peek at their day in the photo album below. Next stop, Washington DC!
An Egg-ceptional Royal Bunny Egg Hunt
Hundreds of families came together at Regional Park last Saturday to enjoy Weston’s annual Royal Egg Hunt. Children ages 10 and under flooded baseball fields 1 to 4 of Weston Regional Park to gather their share of over 30,000 eggs. After the dash for the eggs, families enjoyed photos with the Royal bunny and children enjoyed inflatable games and cracking open their prize-filled eggs. Those lucky enough to find a golden egg redeemed them for prizes shown here.
Little Free Library at Indian Trace Park
Indian Trace Park is now home to a Little Free Library, courtesy of The Rotary Club of Weston and Weston Parks. The project has been in the works for a few years, but was shelved due to COVID-19. The mission of the Little Free Library is to provide easy access to books and create a location for a community book exchange.

We love how parks and books come together to foster a love of reading and look forward to finding out how much our community loves it! Park visitors can find the library box mounted near the playground and are encouraged to leave a book and take a book.  
Grease Down the Drain? No!
Only Water (Inside) and Rain (Outside)
Grease is the number one culprit of sewer pipe overflows and backups. Sewer overflows and backups can cause health hazards, harm the environment and damage your home. An easy way to remember is ‘Can the F.O.G.’ (Fats, Oils, Grease) put these items in a can or container and dispose of them in the garbage, NOT the drain. 
Can You Crack the Emoji Code?
DEA Tips on Emojis Used to Signal Drugs
In partnership with the DEA, Operation Engage, Miami Field Division, we are providing some excellent content for parents to be aware of regarding kids, social media and drugs. Today all it takes to purchase drugs is a smartphone, a couple of emojis and some cash. Learn the codes before it’s too late, because today, just one pill can kill. 
Electrical Panel Diagram
Fire Safety
Have Your Electrical Panel Checked
This is an important re-run of a previously posted article. Weston Fire Chief Todd Draizin urges all homeowners to check their electrical panels to see if you have one that has been recalled. Also, if your home is 20 to 30 years of age, panels wear out over time and should be replaced, so they need to be inspected to ensure they are in good working condition. Homes have had fires due to their electrical panels. There have been fires in homes here in Weston that were caused by faulty electrical panels.
Always Training and Educating
BSO Weston Fire Rescue and Emergency Services
Firefighters do not sit in the station waiting for calls to come in. They are constantly educating themselves on our city's largest businesses, our schools, day care facilities, and training on the latest equipment. As an example, Weston Fire Rescue crews along with Cleveland Clinic Hospital Engineering recently performed their annual pre-fire planning of the facility.
This planning exercise included a walk-through of the facility to identify specific hazards in and around the campus. They reviewed emergency plans for evacuation of patients, staff, firefighting apparatus positioning, firefighting strategies, and tactics. Pictured is a photo of one of the crews that performed the walk through.
YMCA Summer Camp
Early Bird Registration Now Open
Summer is almost here! Do you need a summer camp for your kids to stay active? The Weston YMCA is just the place. Early Bird registration is open for a summer filled with fun activities for kids ages five through 17. New themes are featured every weekend and kids will have a great time doing arts and crafts, games, YFIT fitness classes and swimming - while building character values. Don’t miss out. Register today! 

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Tips for managing stress and beating the blues

  December 16, 2024 Tamara Campbell, executive director, Office of Mental Health, and Matthew Miller, executive director, Office of Suicide ...