As our current times become stranger and less certain, many of us have started taking precautions for what may come next. Some may buy a gun to keep on their bedroom drawer, some may invest their savings in the stock market, some may build a shelter in the middle of the woods in case of nuclear Armageddon: different strokes for different folks. With that in mind, one must ask themselves, "am I prepare?"
We at 200GFS are happy to help you answer this question. 200GFS offers a myriad of services that can help you in whatever you may need. From financial analysis to see your economic strength, to tax and financial planning to make a plan to better deal with you present situation, to economic projections of what the future may have in store for you and what you might be able to do about it. So give us a call, and we will get started on making your happy ending.
Convenience has become a bit of a cliché in marketing. It really does feel like that is what most of what we purchase nowadays have to say about why we should buy them. From microwave dinners to smart refrigerators, it does not even matter if its actually more convenient or even practical, there is always some twist to create the image of ease. And a lot of tax preparers fall into this category.
A lot of people get their taxes prepared by someone in a supermarket who has set up shop there. You go to them, ask them for their help, they ask for your supports; and then they proceed to write numbers on a computer. It is usually the most straightforward and immediate way to file to the IRS. Tons of people come to rely on these accountants because they are the most convenient option for them. But that convenience hides the fact that a lot of them have no idea what they are doing.
Usually this will be some program that is connected to the IRS, that can do the calculations for them. The design purpose of this feature is to avoid filling errors in the future, however this has a particular side-effect. Because the way the program is made, you are fully able to file your taxes without understanding one singular thing about tax code or process. This becomes problematic when it come to deductions. Many people qualify for deductions to their obligations, but because they are not familiar with the rules, they miss out on opportunities to save money. Most people go to their accountant because they trust them to make decisions with their insight on finances that will be to their benefit. And that is where we come in.
200GFS is a company that goes beyond the familiar and delves deep into the issues that may be causing you financial troubles. We are always increasing our variety of skills, services and insights into what we can do for you. We will not just file your taxes, but we will discuss with you options that can better your material situation. We provide access to several services from marketing to real estate to notary and so much more. So if you want someone who will go the distance for you, call us now at the number below or email us with the link.
Best wishes,
We live in a strange era. For most of history, people have had a sense of logic to the world; a logic something that could be used to determined the absurd from the realistic. In modernity, specially in these past years, it has felt like this logic has abandon us to the point that the things we would have previously laughed about, are now urgently real. Shifts and threats that would be restricted to tall tales or novels becoming reality in ways that are disruptive and sometimes actively malicious. So lets talk about "deepfakes".
AI, that is something you don't seem to be able to avoid talk thereof these days. AI will replace artists, AI will replace authors, those are some of the common talking points. But AI will replace, "you"? Deepfake technology is a collective term used to describe software that is able to replicate the likeness and even the voice of a person to such an extent that people may confuse it for the reality. People like Tom Hanks, leading actor for movies such as Forest Gump or Saving Private Ryan, has had to deal with digital imitators. An AI clone had been used in Instagram advertisements against the consent of Hanks, leading the actor to release a statement clarifying what was happening. On a concerning note, many technology companies have pitched the concepts of AI clones as a solution to the problem of having to treat human beings as people. Naturally, this has been a point of contention in the SAG-AFTRA strike, between actors, writers, and the producers.
So we live in a sci-fi movie, what now? One of the things to keep in mind is that AI, by the nature of it being code, can only make things through a series of average values derived from calculus expressions. As such, AI can never have an "understanding" of the task it has been assigned to do. Once it has to go outside the box it was design for, if it can even, the AI has no capacity to adapt or innovate, only copy what it was trained on. It is not a dynamic system that can create its own ideas, instead it is best to think of it as part of the same family of programs such as auto-complete or Instagram filters. As the novelty of the technology fades, people will become urgently aware of its limits. One of the things AI will probably replace are jobs that employers did not see the value thereof in the first place. It will most likely be used by people who want to spend the least amount of money on the particular activity they are employing the AI for. What this means is that whether AI will replace humanity in the workplace is not a question of competency or efficiency, but instead whether the forces that be valued humanity in the first place.
So, what do you think? we would like to hear your opinions about AI and its place in the future, both in the arts and in business. Do you think AI will be here to stay or is it just a passing trend? How have you interacted with AI? Are you concerned that it will be used to harm people or are you excited about what possibilities may open up.
Vivimos en una era extraña. Durante la mayor parte de la historia, la gente ha tenido un sentido de lógica ante el mundo; una lógica algo que podría servir para diferenciar lo absurdo de lo realista. En la modernidad, especialmente en estos últimos años, hemos sentido que esta lógica nos ha abandonado hasta el punto de que las cosas de las que antes nos habríamos reído, ahora son urgentemente reales. Cambios y amenazas que se limitarían a cuentos fantásticos o novelas que se hacen realidad de maneras disruptivas y, a veces, activamente maliciosas. Entonces, hablemos de "deepfakes".
AI, eso es algo de lo que no parece poder evitar hablar al respecto estos días. La IA reemplazará a los artistas, la IA reemplazará a los autores, esos son algunos de los temas de conversación comunes. ¿Pero la IA reemplazará a "usted"? La tecnología deepfake es un término colectivo utilizado para describir el software que es capaz de replicar la imagen e incluso la voz de una persona hasta tal punto que la gente puede confundirlo con la realidad. Personas como Tom Hanks, actor protagonista de películas como Forest Gump o Salvar al soldado Ryan, ha tenido que lidiar con imitadores digitales. Se había utilizado un clon de IA en anuncios de Instagram contra el consentimiento de Hanks, lo que llevó al actor a emitir un comunicado aclarando lo que estaba sucediendo. Como nota preocupante, muchas empresas de tecnología han presentado los conceptos de clones de IA como una solución al problema de tener que tratar a los seres humanos como personas. Naturalmente, este ha sido un punto de discordia en la huelga SAG-AFTRA, entre actores, escritores y productores.
Entonces vivimos en una película de ciencia ficción, ¿y ahora qué? Una de las cosas a tener en cuenta es que la IA, por su naturaleza de código, solo puede crear cosas a través de una serie de valores promedio derivados de expresiones de cálculo. Como tal, la IA nunca puede "comprender" la tarea que se le ha asignado. Una vez que tiene que salirse de la caja para la que fue diseñada, si es que puede hacerlo, la IA no tiene capacidad para adaptarse o innovar, solo copiar aquello en lo que fue entrenada. No es un sistema dinámico que pueda crear sus propias ideas, sino que es mejor pensar en él como parte de la misma familia de programas como el autocompletado o los filtros de Instagram. A medida que la novedad de la tecnología se desvanezca, la gente se dará cuenta urgentemente de sus límites. Una de las cosas que la IA probablemente reemplazará son los empleos cuyo valor los empleadores no vieron en primer lugar. Lo más probable es que lo utilicen personas que quieran gastar la menor cantidad de dinero en la actividad particular para la que emplean la IA. Lo que esto significa es que si la IA reemplazará a la humanidad en el lugar de trabajo no es una cuestión de competencia o eficiencia, sino de si las fuerzas que deben valorar a la humanidad en primer lugar.
¿Entonces, qué piensas? Nos gustaría escuchar sus opiniones sobre la IA y su lugar en el futuro, tanto en las artes como en los negocios. ¿Crees que la IA llegará para quedarse o es sólo una tendencia pasajera? ¿Cómo has interactuado con la IA? ¿Le preocupa que se utilice para dañar a las personas o está entusiasmado con las posibilidades que se pueden abrir?
Laws such as the tax code have unique challenges to them. For one, their purpose is less to communicate the intent of a speaker and more to define procedure and restrictions. By necessity, legalese is the way that it is because it needs to describe details and relationships that could usually be left to interpretation and context. Laws can not work like that, so instead each term is either specifically defined in the document or is agreed upon jargon for byzantine legal concepts. The syntax and prose must read less like a human speaking and more like reading out computer code due and the implications to certain phrases or wording are only clear through outside reading or insider knowledge. This can make it intimidating to try and learn the how the systems that control our lives work in detail. Here is where we step in.
200GFS is a firm that has several kinds of financial, legal, and business knowledge that is relevant to the everyday entrepreneur. We have struggled on to understand these nuanced and confusing regulations so that we can offer you the best servicing possible. Our company is not satisfied with just putting numbers into boxes and calling it a day, but instead we seek to understand the greater mechanism of the US tax system so that we can understand what is the best thing you can do for yourself. With us at your side, you will feel secured in your place in this country and confident in the direction you decide to take your business and finances. So get started with us today with the information below, and we will start delving in between the lines of the law for you.
¿Qué es peor que una organización de caridad falsa? Una organización de caridad falsa con un recaudador de fondos deshonesto. La FTC ha demandado y detenido a recaudadores de fondos de caridad deshonestos que llamaban a las personas para que donaran a organizaciones de caridad falsas. Algunos se aprovechan de su amabilidad y deseo de ayudar a las personas afectadas por emergencias climáticas o un desastre. Pero cuando recibes una llamada de un recaudador de fondos de caridad, ¿cómo sabes que la persona que llama te está diciendo la verdad?
Aquí hay algunos consejos:
• Resiste la presión de donar en el momento. Después de escuchar a la persona que llama, cuelga el teléfono y piensa en lo que dijo. Luego, conéctate en internet y haz tu propia investigación:
Worried about paying far more than what you need? Concerned about hiring a firm to do your finances, only to then find out they cannot do what you need? Stressed about trying to balance the budget but having to see if you have to either throw out your accounting or something else that you might wish to keep? 200GFS has you covered.
Our services now come split into 3 packages for your ease of use. Just simply choose the package that has the services you want and is the right cost for you. Then give us a call and we can get to work. We offer a wide range of services that can either be included or excluded from your package depending on what you need or can afford. 200GFS is built on the premise on making people´s lives easier, so we hope that you can choose the package that is right for you. For more information on pricing and services included in each package, or if you wish to learn more about us, just use the information below to contact us.
We wish you the best in all of your endeavors and we hope to see you soon!
The government can often feel like the boogieman for business owners. An organization that can kick down your door and take away your livelihood. The very thing you have been working on for maybe years, all of it coming undone in what may feel like an agonizingly slow yet inevitable pace. A force that requires a yearly tribute, at minimum, to be kept within its territory. And worst of all, a power that is able to do all of this with relative impunity for it is the same being that created the rules of punishment in the first place. I do not know anyone who is does not find working with the government stressful in some capacity.
However, we can tell you that the government is not a boogieman. We at 200GFS have a wide field of knowledge regarding the financial related to the government. Don't sweat the details of wrestling with the law, we deal with that so you don't have to. So stop losing sleep because of the monster under the tax form, and get started with us with the information below.
It is the spooky season again! And what is scarier than governmental financial obligation? As we enter the last parts of the year, it is vital to get all of your finances in order. We can tell you exactly what you might need in order to avoid any difficulties. So don't be frozen in fear this season, give us a call and we will help you not only get through this season, but any money problem you may have!
As world wrestle with itself, many people have felt anxious about the future. The ramifications of this has been felt in the stock market and bond yield. As the yield rate has risen, stocks have dropped. There are many factors that contribute to this. For one, the current global and domestic atmosphere has been described as "on fire" for a few years now and people are worrying about things further deteriorating. More specifically, up until recently, the market have been working on certain assumptions about the stability of the yield. The rise in the yield took many people by surprise, leading to investors cashing out before prices dropped too far. Then there was the threat of government shutdown and the removal of Kevin McCarthy as House speaker, leading to people being unsure of US policy in the future. While that is happening, interest rates are rising due to an appreciating currency. Also there is uncertainty in oil prices due to the Ukrainian-Russia war making people in the industry unsure of what may happen next. As you can see, there is a lot to worry about.
On the other hand, there are opportunities in this chaos. According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, the US has added 336,000 jobs on September. In addition there is speculation that the trend will only continue from here on. Although this is not a promise of a healthy economy in the future, interest rates may have something to say about that, there is room to take advantage and do the best you can with yourself. We at 200GFS believe that we can achieve our dreams if we are smart and determined enough to reach them. As such, we would be honored to help you get what you want.
It is not uncommon to feel the mounting pressure of fiscal obligation. When it gets to be time to pay taxes, a lot of people can begin to feel stressed about their finances; they begin to spend more of their "free time" at the spreadsheets, rather than doing the things they actually enjoy. We at 200GFS get this, and we are determine to help you in any way we can. Give us a call and we will take care of your tax planning and filing, so your free time can return to being free.
Sam Bankman-Fried, ex director ejecutivo de FTX, la empresa de criptomonedas actualmente en quiebra, está ahora siendo juzgado. Los delitos: fraude electrónico, fraude de valores, fraude de materias primas y blanqueo de dinero. Bankman había tomado dinero de las cuentas de los clientes para utilizarlo en inversiones personales y contribuciones políticas. Incluso existe la posibilidad de otro juicio para abordar la naturaleza política de la acusación. Cómo funcionó esto es a través de Alameda Research, un fondo de cobertura propiedad de Bankman. Al fondo se le permitió pedir prestado una cantidad ilimitada de fondos de FTX. Bankman ha afirmado su inocencia y ha achacado esto a la incompetencia de las personas que lo rodean por ser descuidadas con su seguridad. Sus colaboradores más cercanos ya han confesado su participación en el plan.
Más que otros, la industria de la criptografía se ha asociado con un flagrante desprecio por la ley o la regulación. Muchos ven esta prueba como una forma de sentar un precedente en la industria. En este punto de vista hay que señalar dos cosas: que la estafa de Friedman le costó a la industria 8 mil millones de dólares, provocando un efecto dominó que arrasó con los medios de vida de las personas que invirtieron en empresas de criptomonedas o que eran propietarias de ellas; y que Friedman había rescatado previamente a muchas personas en la industria cuando el mercado colapsó en 2022 al aumentar las evaluaciones de criptomonedas.
Les cuento esta historia hoy porque este es un aspecto de la inversión en el que mucha gente no piensa. Cuando se trata de nuevas tecnologías, debido a la falta de conocimientos sobre STEM o de experiencia financiera, la gente cree rápidamente en las promesas de los directores ejecutivos sobre cómo cambiarán el mundo. Además, en esta era moderna, hemos llegado a asociar el progreso con el avance tecnológico con fines económicos. Son sinónimos a estas alturas. Como tal, es fácil aceptar la exageración de tales figuras y organizaciones, como una forma de obtener parte de la gloria que han obtenido. Sin embargo, es muy importante tratar siempre de ver las cosas, no como desearías verlas, sino tal como son. La gente había estado diciendo que el mercado de las criptomonedas era un lugar corrupto y despiadado durante años, y aún así la gente seguía comprando. Ahora, muchas personas normales, incluso antes de este incidente, lo han perdido todo porque creen en una mentira difundida por estas personas. No debemos dejarnos cegar por las luces brillantes de tales cosas o de lo contrario podríamos descubrir que lo que pensábamos que era una luz guía era el señuelo de un pescador.
¿Qué opinas del caso Sam Bankman-Fried? Nos encantaría escuchar sus comentarios a continuación. Como siempre, puede comunicarse con 200GFS si desea realizar una consulta y le deseamos lo mejor.
WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 o Telegrama
Para comunicaciones en inglés: workacc200gfs@gmail.com
Para comunicaciones en español: info@200gfs.com
Works Cited
Griffith, E. (2023, October 2). Who’s rooting hardest for a Sam Bankman-fried conviction? the crypto industry. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/02/technology/crypto-insiders-sam-bankman-fried-conviction.html
Yaffe-bellany, D. (2023, October 3). What to know about Sam Bankman-fried’s fraud trial. The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/03/business/sam-bankman-fried-trial-ftx.html
Sam Bankman-Fried, once CEO of FTX, the currently bankrupted cryptocurrency company, is now on trial. The crimes: wire fraud, securities fraud, commodities fraud and money laundering. Bankman had taken money from customer accounts to use in personal investments and political contributions. There is even the possibility of another trial to address the political nature of the indictment. How this worked is through Alameda Research, a hedge fund that was owned by Bankman. The fund was allowed to borrow an uncapped amount of funds from FTX. Bankman has claimed innocence and has blamed this on the incompetence of the people around him for being careless with their security. His close associates have already confessed to their involvement in the scheme.
More than others, the crypto industry has been associated with a flagrant disregard for the law or regulation. This trial is seen by many as a way to set a precedent in the industry. Two things should be noted on this view: that Friedman's con cost the industry $8 billion, causing a domino effect that obliterated the livelihoods of people who either invested in or owned cryptocurrency firms; and that Friedman had previously bailed out many people in the industry before when the market crashed in 2022 by driving up cryptocurrency evaluations.
I am bringing this story up today because this is an aspect of investment a lot of people don't think about. When it comes to new technologies, due to a lack of either STEM literacy or financial experience, people are quick to believe in the CEO's promising how they will change the world. In addition, in this modern age, we have come to associate progress with technological advancement for economic purposes. They are synonyms by this point. As such, it is easy to buy into the hype of such figures and organizations, as a way to have some of the glory they have garnered for themselves. However, it is so very important to always try to see things, not as what you wish you would be seeing, but instead for what they are. People had been saying that the crypto market was a corrupt and cutthroat place for years, and yet people still bought in. Now many normal people, even before this incident, have lost everything because they believe a lie peddled by these people. We must not be blinded by the shining lights of such things or otherwise we might find that what we thought was a guiding light was an angler's lure.
So what do you think of the Sam Bankman-Fried case? We would love to hear your comments below. As per always you may contact 200GFS if you wish to make a consult, and we wish you the best.
When it comes to taxes, many people are intimidated by the sheer complexity and bulk of the regulation around it. They see how people need several textbooks just to wrap their head around a 1040, so they tend to avoid studying the law. Instead they either just learn how to do the bare minimum to get it done, or they rely on supermarket preparers who will simply plug numbers into a computer. Because of this, most people dread the tax season in fear of making a mistake or because they feel like they are losing control of their money. We at 200GFS offer you a way to get back your confidence.
We are certified accountants who have studied the law in great detail, so we know that when it comes to taxes: you have options. Our company can advise you on what one may do to decrease their debt to the government, or how to avoid incurring those obligations in the first place. Through a consultation with us you will feel like you have an ally on your side who is capable and trustworthy so you can stop dreading the tax season, and start seeing it as another opportunity for you and your livelihood. So give us a call today through the information below, and we will see you somewhere in the depths of tax law.
Check the IRS website, there you can see if a preparer is verified by the IRS. There you should ask for references and revise reviews. Not everyone prepares, studies, and presents the exams to give the best consult to a client.
A big firm preparer will probably just know how to work their software, and do work an AI could do. No critical or lateral thinking on their part on how to best aid their client.
It is important to have all of your documents regarding your income and expenses, so that you can give them to your accountant, so that they can analyze them and correctly report them so they can be used to file your taxes.
There are many changes to tax law which are not communicated through the usual channels, as such it is impossible to catch up unless you have a tax advisor at hand year round.
Don't wait until the last moment, there are forms which you do have to wait for the end of the year, like the W-2 or the 1099, but you can have the rest finished beforehand.
We are university professionals who keep up to date each year so that we aren't just tax preparers, but tax and financial planners. We have unique subscription packages that adapt to your needs. So in addition to being confident from having things explained to you clearly, we will give the tranquility of being able to sleep easy, and we will accompany you for the next 3 years.
It is always a good time to seek financial advice. As the seasons turns to Winter, it is important for many businesses to reflect on what their activities throughout the year. This will not only help you analyze what lessons to take away from what you experienced. 200GFS can help you prepare for tomorrow through our tax planning and financial strategy services. Don't get swept up by the wind, and call us today through the information below.
Best wishes, 200GFS
200GFS se enorgullece de presentar nuestra última incorporación de nuestra organización. Masstrading se ha unido a nosotros para brindarles a nuestros clientes aún más beneficios que antes. Son una empresa argentina que se ocupa de pagos internacionales y juntos queremos complementarnos para llegar a más personas.
Ahora estaremos operando no sólo en los EE.UU., sino que también prestaremos servicios al mercado argentino. Esperamos entrar en una nueva era para 200GFS y esperamos que usted esté allí para unirse a nosotros. En nuestra oficina de Buenos Aires, Argentina, brindaremos todos los servicios que trabajos en nuestras oficinas en Florida, USA.
Mis mejores deseos, 200GFS
200GFS does tax and financial planning for you and your business. While your run-of-the-mill supermarket preparer might just put numbers into a software, we go much deeper. Through our knowledge of tax law, we know that through some clever planning, one might be able to reduce their financial obligations to the IRS. By looking at your economic history, we will find whatever ways there might be to lower your costs and increase your cash inflow. Not only that, but we will also advice you on what are the best accounting practices so that you are able to keep track of every dollar, and make smarter, more effective decisions with your money.
So with that, why not give us a call through the information below, and see just how much you can save!
That is why it is important to trust the humans who have studied and trained to truly understand their chosen field. 200GFS as a company has the necessary skills to help you in any financial capacity. We will not treat your livelihood as a series of math problems, but as a human issue concerning real people. So make an appointment today through the links below and get treated like a living being by living beings.
- Best wishes 200GFS
200GFS is firm a firm that provides a great variety of services. We do accounting, financial and tax planning, and IRS representation. We will help you balance the books, keeping you high in the green, and keep the red low.
200GFS es una empresa que da una gran variedad de servicios. Hacemos contabilidad, planificación de finanzas e impuestos, y representación para la IRS. Te ayudaremos balancear los libros, manteniendote alto en el verde, y el rojo bajo.
WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 or Telegram
For Spanish communications: info@200gfs.com
Although the tax season is traditionally from January 1st to April 15th, you still need to pay attention for the rest of the year. Filing your taxes requires documentation of activities done through the whole year. As such you need to account for everything as it comes. If you do not, then you will be overwhelmed and may even miss something crucial when the time to file comes. We at 200GFS are tax experts who help a wide variety of clients from individuals to corporations. Our services also extend beyond accounting, we are qualified to aid you in any part of the tax process so that you can avoid stressing out about your finances. So contact us now, and set up a date with the information below.
- Best wishes, 200GFS
A pesar de que la temporada de impuestos es tradicionalmente del 1ro de Enero hasta el 15to de Abril, aun necesitas prestar atención al resto del año. Presentando tus impuestos necesita documentación de actividades hechas durante el año entero. Como tal, tu necesitas dar cuenta de todo como viene. Si no, entonces tu vas a estar abrumado y puedes perder algo esencial cuando el tiempo de presentar venga. Nosotros en 200GFS somos expertos de impuestos quien ayuda una amplia variedad de clientes de individuales a corporaciones. Nuestros servicios también extiende a mas de contabilidad, estamos calificados para asistirte en cualquier parte del proceso de impuestos para que tu puedas evitar preocuparte acerca de tus finanzas. O sea, que llámanos ahora, y hagas una cita con la información de abajo.
- Mejor deseos, 200GFS
WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 or Telegram
For Spanish communications: info@200gfs.com
200GFS esta dedicado a hacer lo mejor de tu situación. De servicios de impuestos, a estados reales, nuestra compañía puede y va a ayudarte con cualquier dificultad que tu tengas. Te guiamos como usar to dinero la mejor manera posible para que puedas detener apostar en tu vida y comenzar a escoger y tener. Osea que llama a 200GFS ahora!
WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 or Telegram
For Spanish communications: info@200gfs.com
WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 or Telegram
For Spanish communications: info@200gfs.com
El servicio primario de 200GFS es nuestro servicio de impuestos. Presentaremos tus impuestos de acuerdo con principios de cumplimiento de la IRS. Trabajaremos con usted para averiguar como mejor salvar y planificar para limitar tu deuda al gobierno. Y te ayudaremos tratar con cualquier problema durante este proceso. Llama a 200GFS ahora para hacer una consulta.
WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 o Telegram
For English communications: workacc200gfs@CONTACT US
WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 o Telegram
WhatsApp: +1 (954) 261-2280 o Telegram