martes, 14 de diciembre de 2021

Weston City


Next Regular City Commission Meeting: Tuesday, January 18
Stilt walker dancer gives a child a high five at Weston's 25th Anniversary Celebration on Dec. 11, 2021.
Weston's 25th Anniversary Celebration
The City’s 25th Anniversary Celebration was one big party in the park where the Weston community came together to enjoy large inflatable games, airbrush glitter tattoos, balloon creations, a variety of good eats from food trucks – and an evening filled with music. From the interactive DJ and dancers, which led into two energetic live performance sets by The Afterparty Band, the crowd enjoyed dancing and singing along throughout the evening. Between sets, the party included an “hora loca” complete with musicians and a stilt dancer in costumes that literally lit up the night along with the popular light up glow sticks given out to everyone in attendance. It was the perfect evening to celebrate and appreciate our great City of Weston.
Weston University Program Students Learn About Community Services
On December 7, students in the Class of 2022 had a jam-packed day. In just their morning session, they learned:
  • the intricacies of tree pruning
  • fertilizer and irrigation in Weston
  • how special events in Weston are not just fun & games, but a complex process to ensure success
  • the vast numbers involved with keeping the City athletic fields in tip top shape and lined for each and every game

Speaking of numbers…did you know that the City knows where every public tree is planted, its type, size, and fertilizer schedule? How about street lights, fire hydrants, water and sewer lines, sidewalks and lift stations? Those, too. Utilizing GPS technology, the Public Works Department has every one mapped and on a schedule for maintenance. Lastly, students visited the calm and vast mitigation area just west of Regional Park. Yes, a busy, but enlightening day indeed. 
A Job Well Done
Karl Thompson Honored for his Service to Broward County City Managers' Association
Weston’s Chief Operating Officer, Assistant City Manager Karl Thompson was recently recognized for his two years of service as the outgoing Secretary/Treasurer of the Broward County City Managers' Association (BCCMA). Karl is shown in the photo with Greg Harrison, BCCMA President (and City Manager of Pompano Beach) and Kathleen Gunn Vice President (and City Manager of Tamarac). 
There were several challenges that arose during his tenure, most notably the onset of COVID-19 and the impact that it had on local government operations, which resulted in the need for City Managers to communicate regularly. Karl quickly became an expert in Zoom meetings, continuously gathered and shared data regarding the operations of all the municipalities in Broward so that leaders could benchmark their decision-making and provide some consistency for residents across the County. Congratulations, Karl, on a job well done and for always representing Weston well.
Weston Racquet Club
Learn How to Play Pickleball
Do you want to learn to play pickleball? The Weston Racquet Club invites you to register for Pickleball 101 sessions that will be held from January 11 through February 3, or from March 8 through March 31. 

Already have the basics down? Register for Pickleball 201 with sessions offered February 8 through March 3, or April 3 through April 28. 
Let's Talk Trash: Tip #1
Only Garbage IN the Cart Will be Picked Up
It's time to talk a little trash, especially when it comes to curbside garbage collection in the City of Weston.

Tip #1: Only items placed IN THE CART will be picked up. If items are placed on top of or piled next to the cart, you may not receive service on that day.

The bottom line is DO NOT place items on top of the cart, or next to the cart. Curbside garbage collection is an automated service. The trucks cannot safely pick up and tip the cart if there are items placed on top, or if carts are placed too close to other things, such as another cart, a mailbox, a parked car, etc.

Do You Need Another Cart?
You do have the option to request a second garbage cart (for a one-time cart fee), so if you have the need for two carts, be sure to call Republic Services at 954-583-1830 to request a second cart.

Additionally, the only time bulky items are picked up from the swale area is during the Quarterly Residential Bulk Pickup service. You can arrange for a special bulk trash pickup, if needed. Weston residents can also dispose of items at the Broward County Central Residential Drop Off Center. Click the links below to learn more.
SW 36 Street Closure
Part of C-11 Impoundment in the Broward County Water Preserve Project
REMINDER: At the end of this month, (December 2021) SW 36 Street (Manatee Isles Drive), will be closed to through traffic just west of the Florida Nature & Culture Center, and the road will no longer go through to U.S. 27. 

There will be a cul-de-sac built at the location as a turn-around. The project spans two counties and is part of the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP), a joint endeavor between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and South Florida Water Management District. The closure of SW 36th Street is integral to the project which was brought before the City as far back at 2006, where issues were raised and some favorable assurances obtained. 
WAL Spring Registration
Weston Athletic League
Baseball Spring 2022 Registration Now Open
Registration is now open for Spring 2022 Baseball with the Weston Athletic League. The Weston Athletic League is a recreational baseball league that provides professional training to participants ages four through 18 in a fun and safe environment. Don’t miss out and register today!
Senior woman in the car to showcase article of  AARP Safe Driver Course
Older Driver Safety Awareness
Build a Personalized Transportation Plan
Proactive transportation planning is the first step to keeping you safe, mobile and independent, whether you are driving or not. Build a personalized transportation plan in three easy steps with Florida’s Guide to Safe Mobility for Life. It is never too early to start becoming comfortable with using new transportation options.
YMCA Virtual Wellness Series
Meet the Physical Therapist: Stress Headaches
Meet the Physical Therapist tomorrow - Wednesday, December 15 - at noon to learn more about stress headaches during the holidays.

Ask the Doctor: Tips to Improve Sleep Health
Are you having trouble sleeping? The YMCA of South Florida and the Cleveland Clinic Florida invite you to the next Ask the Doctor interactive web lecture on tips to improve sleep health with Samuel Gurevich, M.D. on Tuesday, December 21 at 6 p.m. 
Healthy Holidays
Healthy Living Tip
Healthy Holiday Food Choices
‘Tis the season for family, festivity and food. Temptations are everywhere so it’s important to make healthy food choices during the holidays and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has five tips to achieve it. 
Online Shopping Safety
From the Internal Revenue Service

Consejos para ayudar a contribuyentes a elegir un preparador de impuestos de buena reputación

 A medida que los contribuyentes se preparan para presentar sus declaraciones de impuestos de 2022, es posible que consideren contratar a un preparador de declaraciones de impuestos. El IRS les recuerda a los contribuyentes que elijan sabiamente un preparador de declaraciones de impuestos. Esto es importante porque los contribuyentes son responsables de toda la información de su declaración, sin importar quién la prepare.

Hay diferentes tipos de preparadores de impuestos y las necesidades de un contribuyente ayudarán a determinar qué tipo de preparador es mejor para ellos. Con eso en mente, aquí hay algunos consejos rápidos para ayudar a las personas a elegir un preparador.

Al elegir un profesional de impuestos, los contribuyentes deben:

  • Consultar el Directorio de preparadores del IRS (en inglés)Si bien no es una lista completa de los preparadores de declaraciones de impuestos, sí incluye a aquellos que son agentes inscritos, contadores públicos y abogados, así como a aquellos que participan en el Programa anual de la temporada de declaraciones de impuestos.
  • Consultar el historial del preparador con Better Business Bureau. Los contribuyentes pueden verificar el estado de un agente inscrito (en inglés) en
  • Hacer preguntas acerca de las cuotas. Los contribuyentes deben evitar preparadores de declaraciones de impuestos que basan sus cuotas en un porcentaje del reembolso o que ofrecen depositar todo o parte de su reembolso en sus cuentas financieras.
  • Tener cuidado con los preparadores de declaraciones de impuestos que afirman que pueden obtener reembolsos mayores que otros.
  • Preguntar si piensan usar Presentación electrónica (e-file).
  • Asegurar que el preparador esté disponible. Las personas deben considerar si el individuo o la empresa permanecerá disponible durante meses o años después de presentar la declaración. Los contribuyentes deben hacer esto porque pueden necesitar que el preparador responda preguntas acerca de la preparación de la declaración de impuestos.
  • Asegurar que el preparador firme e incluya su número de identificación de impuestos de preparador (PTIN) (en inglés)Los preparadores de declaraciones de impuestos pagados deben tener un PTIN) para preparar las declaraciones de impuestos.
  • Verificar las credenciales del preparador. Solo los abogados, contadores públicos y agentes inscritos pueden representar a los contribuyentes ante el IRS en asuntos tributarios. Otros preparadores de declaraciones de impuestos que participan en el Programa anual de la temporada de declaraciones de impuestos (en inglés) del IRS tienen derechos de práctica limitados para representar a los contribuyentes durante las auditorías de las declaraciones que prepararon.