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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta #usa. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 27 de octubre de 2023

Estamos a algo mas de dos meses para comenzar otra nueva temporada de Impuestos, estas preparado para tantos cambios?


Si, asi es, estamos a pocos meses de otra temporada de Impuestos. La pregunta es: Estas preparado tu?

Muchos clientes llegan en las temporadas de Impuestos (Taxes), se sientan y despues de un muy rápido saludo, preguntan: Y cuanto me va a tocar?

Nuestra respuesta siempre es: Nosotros haremos nuestro mejor esfuerzo revisando su documentación para que pueda tener bajo la ley el mayor de los refund.

Pero no se dan cuenta o ni siquiera lo han pensado, que no se han preocuparon en todo el ano por esto, a duras penas, nos traen la documentación completa.

Nosotros (200GFS), no somos unos Preparadores de Impuestos, somos más que eso, somos su Asesor Tributario y Financiero, en donde una revision y seguimiento periódico en el ano lo llevamos a hacer mejor las cosas.

Ir a un sitio donde ni siquiera antes de ver su documentación le ofrecen un alto Refund, también puede significar para usted auditorías y penalidades por unos impuestos mal elaborados, pero estos tramitadores fantasmas que aparecen una vez cada año en sitios diferentes, usted nunca sera su problema.

Ya no estamos en una época en donde todo era simple, ahora cualquier persona tiene varios trabajos, ingresos distintos, seguros de salud, inversiones de distinto tipo y todo eso suma a favor en contra.

Nosotros contamos con planes de afiliación mensual según distintos paquetes para sus finanzas personales o corporativas.

Consultenos pida una cita en cualquier momento del ano y/o su cita para sus Taxes.
Nos puede encontrar en nuestra página:

lunes, 23 de octubre de 2023

Cuidado con organizaciones benéficas falsas; verifique antes de donar. Este pendiente y manténgase al día con nuestros temas diarios.

Con las trágicas crisis y los desastres naturales que ocurren alrededor del globo, el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS) advirtió hoy a los contribuyentes que tengan cuidado con criminales que solicitan donaciones y se hacen pasar falsamente por organizaciones benéficas legítimas. Cuando las organizaciones benéficas falsas estafan a donantes desprevenidos, las donaciones no van a quienes necesitan la ayuda y aquellos que contribuyeron a estas organizaciones benéficas falsas no pueden deducir sus donaciones en su declaración de impuestos.

"Todos queremos ayudar a las víctimas inocentes y a sus familias," declaró el comisionado del IRS Danny Werfel. "Sabiendo que estamos tratando de ayudar a los que sufren, los delincuentes salen de la nada para aprovecharse de los más vulnerables - las personas que simplemente quieren ayudar. Especialmente en estos tiempos difíciles, no se sienta presionado a donar inmediatamente a una organización benéfica de la que nunca ha oído hablar. Investigue primero la organización benéfica y confirme que es auténtica."

Quienes deseen donar deben usar la herramienta Búsqueda de Organizaciones Exentas de Impuestos (en inglés) o TEOS por sus siglas en inglés, en para encontrar o verificar organizaciones benéficas legítimas y calificadas.

Con TEOS, las personas pueden

  • Verificar la legitimidad de una organización benéfica.
  • Comprobar su elegibilidad para recibir contribuciones caritativas deducibles de impuestos.
  • Buscar información acerca del estado de la exención tributaria de una organización y sus declaraciones de impuestos.

Además, el IRS insta a cualquier persona que se cruce con una organización benéfica falsa o sospechosa a consultar los recursos del FBI sobre fraudes de organizaciones benéficas y desastres (en inglés).

Organizaciones benéficas falsas

Los criminales suelen crear organizaciones benéficas falsas para aprovecharse de la generosidad del público durante crisis internacionales o desastres naturales. Típicamente, buscan dinero e información personal, que puede usarse para explotar aún más a las víctimas mediante el robo de identidad.

Los promotores de organizaciones benéficas falsas pueden usar correos electrónicos, sitios web falsos o alterar o "falsificar" su identificador de llamadas para que parezca que es una organización benéfica real la que llama para solicitar donativos. Los delincuentes suelen dirigirse a personas mayores y a grupos con un dominio limitado del inglés.

A continuación, algunos consejos para protegerse de las estafas relacionadas con organizaciones benéficas falsas:

  • Verifique primero. Los estafadores suelen usar nombres que suenan a organizaciones benéficas conocidas para confundir a la gente. Los donantes deben pedir al recaudador de fondos el nombre exacto de la organización, el sitio web y la dirección postal para poder confirmar la información de manera independiente. Use el sistema TEOS para verificar si una organización es una organización benéfica legítima exenta de impuestos.
  • No ceda a las presiones. Los estafadores suelen presionar a la gente para que realice un pago inmediato. Por el contrario, las organizaciones benéficas legítimas están encantadas de recibir una donación en cualquier momento. Los donantes no deben sentirse presionados. 
  • No dé más de lo necesario. Los estafadores están a la caza tanto de dinero como de información personal. Los contribuyentes deben tratar la información personal como si fuera dinero en efectivo y no dársela a cualquiera.
  • Desconfíe de cómo se solicita una donación. No colabore nunca con organizaciones benéficas que soliciten donativos pidiéndoles números de una tarjeta regalo o por transferencia de dinero. Es una estafa. Lo más seguro es pagar con tarjeta de crédito o cheque, y sólo después de verificar que la organización benéfica es real.

Los contribuyentes que donan dinero o bienes a una organización benéfica pueden reclamar una deducción (en inglés) si detallan las deducciones, pero estas donaciones sólo cuentan si van a una organización reconocida por el IRS.

viernes, 20 de octubre de 2023

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services

 Los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de EE. UU. han publicado una guía de políticas en el Manual de Políticas de USCIS que aclara que una empresa unipersonal no puede presentar una petición en nombre de su propietario porque la empresa unipersonal no existe como una entidad legal distinta, separada y aparte del propietario.

Esta actualización del Manual de políticas afirma la orientación existente. La actualización distingue a un propietario único de un peticionario autónomo (como una corporación o una compañía de responsabilidad limitada con un solo propietario), donde la corporación o la compañía de responsabilidad limitada de un solo miembro es una entidad legal separada y distinta de su propietario, que puede solicitar por ese propietario.

Esta actualización también aclara la orientación sobre las peticiones generales. Las organizaciones internacionales presentan peticiones generales L-1 en nombre de todas las entidades individuales nombradas en la petición. USCIS está actualizando la guía de políticas para aclarar que el hecho de no presentar oportunamente una extensión de la petición general no activa el período de espera de 3 años antes de que se pueda presentar otra petición general.

Esta guía, contenida en el Volumen 2 del Manual de Políticas, entra en vigencia de inmediato. La orientación contenida en el Manual de Políticas controla y reemplaza cualquier orientación previa relacionada sobre el tema.

La clasificación de visa de no inmigrante L-1 permite a un empleador estadounidense que sea parte de una organización calificada transferir temporalmente empleados desde una de sus oficinas extranjeras relacionadas a ubicaciones en los Estados Unidos. Las políticas y prácticas existentes de USCIS establecen que una empresa unipersonal no puede presentar una petición L-1 en nombre de su propietario.

jueves, 19 de octubre de 2023

FinCEN Proposes New Regulation to Enhance Transparency in Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing and Combat Terrorist Financing


FinCEN Proposes New Regulation to Enhance Transparency in Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing and Combat Terrorist Financing

Immediate Release October 19, 2023

WASHINGTON—Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) announced a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) that identifies international Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing (CVC mixing) as a class of transactions of primary money laundering concern. This NPRM highlights the risks posed by the extensive use of CVC mixing services by a variety of illicit actors throughout the world and proposes a rule to increase transparency around CVC mixing to combat its use by malicious actors including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). The NPRM is a key part of Treasury’s efforts to promote transparency for CVC mixing activities.

“Today’s action underscores Treasury’s commitment to combatting the exploitation of Convertible Virtual Currency mixing by a broad range of illicit actors, including state-affiliated cyber actors, cyber criminals, and terrorist groups,” said Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo. “More broadly, the Treasury Department is aggressively combatting illicit use of all aspects of the CVC ecosystem by terrorist groups, including Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.”

“CVC mixing offers a critical service that allows players in the ransomware ecosystem, rogue state actors, and other criminals to fund their unlawful activities and obfuscate the flow of ill-gotten gains,” said FinCEN Director Andrea Gacki. “This is FinCEN’s first ever use of the Section 311 authority to target a class of transactions of primary money laundering concern, and, just as with our efforts in the traditional financial system, Treasury will work to identify and root out the illicit use and abuse of the CVC ecosystem.”

The lack of transparency surrounding international CVC mixing activity is an acute money laundering and national security risk, and increasing transparency in connection with this activity is a key component to denying illicit actors access to the U.S. and global financial systems. This increased transparency is also consistent with longstanding Treasury Department efforts to counter the efforts of terrorist groups, such as Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, that engage in violence against innocent civilians; the efforts of ransomware criminals targeting critical infrastructure; and the efforts by state actors and their supporters to evade U.S. and global sanctions. In support of these important goals, the NPRM would require covered financial institutions to report information about a transaction when they know, suspect, or have reason to suspect it involves CVC mixing within or involving jurisdictions outside the United States.

The proposed rule announced today follows multiple prior actions by Treasury to target illicit finance involving the use of mixing services. In February 2022, the 2022 National Money Laundering Risk Assessment (NMLRA) identified that criminals have increased their use of anonymity-enhancing technologies, including CVC mixing, to help hide the movement or origin of funds. Shortly after publication of the NMLRA, OFAC designated, which provided mixing services that were used by DPRK to launder over $20.5 million from the Axie Infinity Heist in May 2022. In 2022, OFAC also designated Tornado Cash, which provided mixing services that obfuscated the movement of over $455 million stolen in March 2022 by the OFAC-designated, North Korea-controlled Lazarus Group in the largest known virtual currency heist to date. In addition to actions specifically focused on mitigating risks associated with CVC mixing, Treasury has taken several other actions to counter illicit finance in the CVC ecosystem more broadly. For example, in January 2023, FinCEN identified the virtual currency exchange Bitzlato Limited as a primary money laundering concern in connection with Russian illicit finance, an action coordinated with U.S. law enforcement and foreign partners.

The NPRM as submitted to the Federal Register  is currently available here.  A machine-readable version of the NPRM as transmitted to the Federal Register  will also soon be available on FinCEN’s website. Written comments to the NPRM may be submitted within 90 days of publication of the NPRM in the Federal Register.

FinCEN Proposes New Regulation to Enhance Transparency in Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing and Combat Terrorist Financing

 FinCEN Proposes New Regulation to Enhance Transparency in Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing and Combat Terrorist Financing

Today, the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) announced a Notice of Proposed Rule Making (NPRM) that identifies international Convertible Virtual Currency Mixing (CVC mixing) as a class of transactions of primary money laundering concern. This NPRM highlights the risks posed by the extensive use of CVC mixing services by a variety of illicit actors throughout the world and proposes a rule to increase transparency around CVC mixing to combat its use by malicious actors including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). The NPRM is a key part of Treasury’s efforts to promote transparency for CVC mixing activities.

News Release:

miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2023


 A medida que la situación en el Levante siga degradándose, la situación se extenderá de muchas maneras desafortunadas. Aunque nosotros, como empresa, no estamos preparados para tener una idea de la situación, algo que le informe cómo debería sentirse acerca de la situación, podemos hacer algunas predicciones sobre cómo esto afectará al mundo de manera material.

     Estados Unidos siempre ha apoyado a Israel en sus esfuerzos, para bien o para mal. Y a su vez, porque la mayoría de los países de Medio Oriente se han opuesto a Israel a nivel existencial y político. Lo más probable es que esto provoque un retroceso político y económico por parte de estos países. Además, países como Rusia y, por extensión, China, están motivados a unirse en aras de tener influencia política. Esto probablemente conducirá a un aumento en el precio de materias primas como el gas, a medida que los mayores exportadores intenten aplicar la fuerza a Estados Unidos. Además, probablemente veremos un crecimiento en la división de nuestra nación a medida que los políticos discutan sobre a qué lado apoyar. Naturalmente, esto provocará incertidumbre en el mercado, lo que llevará a que la gente sea conservadora en sus compras y a los inversores a "retirar dinero" mientras el valor de sus acciones pende de un hilo. Todo esto conduce a un futuro incierto en el que nadie estará completamente satisfecho con lo que sucede.

      Nuestros corazones están con aquellos que han sido extraviados y agraviados por sus sistemas de gobierno. Sólo esperamos lo mejor para los afectados, independientemente de lo desesperado que sea. Mientras tanto, continuaremos operando como siempre para nuestros clientes, incluso cuando salgamos de la seguridad de lo conocido.

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    As the situation in the Levant continue to degrade, the situation is going to ripple out in many unfortunate ways. Although we as a company are not suited to have any insight on the situation, something to inform how you should feel about the situation, we can make some predictions on how this will affect the world in a material way. 

    The US has always been in support of Israel in its endeavors, for better or for worse.  And in turn, because most countries in the Middle East have opposed Israel on an existential and political level. Most likely, this will lead to political and economic push back from these countries. In addition, counties like Russia, and by extension China, are motivated to join in for the sake of political leverage. This will likely lead to an increase in the price of commodities such as gas, as the biggest exporters try to apply force to the USA. In addition, we will probably see a growth in the division of our nation as politicians argue about which side to support. Naturally, this will cause uncertainty in the market leading to people being conservative about their purchases and investors to "cash out" as the value of their equity dangles in the balance. What all of this leads to is an uncertain future in which no one will be fully happy with what happens.

     Our hearts go out to those who have been misplaced and wronged by their systems of governance. We hope only for the best for those affected, regardless of how hopeless it may be. In the mean time we will continue to operate as always for our clients, even as we walk out of the safety of the known.


lunes, 16 de octubre de 2023


Convenience has become a bit of a cliché in marketing. It really does feel like that is what most of what we purchase nowadays have to say about why we should buy them. From microwave dinners to smart refrigerators, it does not even matter if its actually more convenient or even practical, there is always some twist to create the image of ease. And a lot of tax preparers fall into this category.

A lot of people get their taxes prepared by someone in a supermarket who has set up shop there. You go to them, ask them for their help, they ask for your supports; and then they proceed to write numbers on a computer. It is usually the most straightforward and immediate way to file to the IRS. Tons of people come to rely on these accountants because they are the most convenient option for them. But that convenience hides the fact that a lot of them have no idea what they are doing.

Usually this will be some program that is connected to the IRS, that can do the calculations for them. The design purpose of this feature is to avoid filling errors in the future, however this has a particular side-effect. Because the way the program is made, you are fully able to file your taxes without understanding one singular thing about tax code or process. This becomes problematic when it come to deductions. Many people qualify for deductions to their obligations, but because they are not familiar with the rules, they miss out on opportunities to save money. Most people go to their accountant because they trust them to make decisions with their insight on finances that will be to their benefit. And that is where we come in.

200GFS is a company that goes beyond the familiar and delves deep into the issues that may be causing you financial troubles. We are always increasing our variety of skills, services and insights into what we can do for you. We will not just file your taxes, but we will discuss with you options that can better your material situation. We provide access to several services from marketing to real estate to notary and so much more. So if you want someone who will go the distance for you, call us now at the number below or email us with the link. 

Best wishes,


jueves, 12 de octubre de 2023


Some have compared legalese to a whole different language. Speaking casually in any language can be said to have one goal: sharing information. In order to do that, the cultures of the associated language will come to a middle-ground between how much the speaker should specify their meaning and how much the listener should interpret. What this creates is a standard from which the people of a language group may communicate with each other in a way that is natural, effective, and convenient for them. This is not how the law works.

Laws such as the tax code have unique challenges to them. For one, their purpose is less to communicate the intent of a speaker and more to define procedure and restrictions. By necessity, legalese is the way that it is because it needs to describe details and relationships that could usually be left to interpretation and context. Laws can not work like that, so instead each term is either specifically defined in the document or is agreed upon jargon for byzantine legal concepts. The syntax and prose must read less like a human speaking and more like reading out computer code due and the implications to certain phrases or wording are only clear through outside reading or insider knowledge. This can make it intimidating to try and learn the how the systems that control our lives work in detail. Here is where we step in.

200GFS is a firm that has several kinds of financial, legal, and business knowledge that is relevant to the everyday entrepreneur. We have struggled on to understand these nuanced and confusing regulations so that we can offer you the best servicing possible. Our company is not satisfied with just putting numbers into boxes and calling it a day, but instead we seek to understand the greater mechanism of the US tax system so that we can understand what is the best thing you can do for yourself. With us at your side, you will feel secured in your place in this country and confident in the direction you decide to take your business and finances. So get started with us today with the information below, and we will start delving in between the lines of the law for you.

martes, 10 de octubre de 2023


    The government can often feel like the boogieman for business owners. An organization that can kick down your door and take away your livelihood. The very thing you have been working on for maybe years, all of it coming undone in what may feel like an agonizingly slow yet inevitable pace. A force that requires a yearly tribute, at minimum, to be kept within its territory. And worst of all, a power that is able to do all of this with relative impunity for it is the same being that created the rules of punishment in the first place. I do not know anyone who is does not find working with the government stressful in some capacity.

    However, we can tell you that the government is not a boogieman. We at 200GFS have a wide field of knowledge regarding the financial related to the government. Don't sweat the details of wrestling with the law, we deal with that so you don't have to. So stop losing sleep because of the monster under the tax form, and get started with us with the information below.

lunes, 2 de octubre de 2023



    It is always a good time to seek financial advice. As the seasons turns to Winter, it is important for many businesses to reflect on what their activities throughout the year. This will not only help you analyze what lessons to take away from what you experienced. 200GFS can help you prepare for tomorrow through our tax planning and financial strategy services. Don't get swept up by the wind, and call us today through the information below.

lunes, 11 de septiembre de 2023



To commemorate the people lost in that day. To never forget. Today we wish you best and may you always have a light to go towards. We wish you the best.

lunes, 17 de julio de 2023

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration Weekly Digest Bulletin


U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
The Informant: Celebrating 50 Years of DEA

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DEA Museum


Volume #2 | Issue #2 | Summer 2023

A blue and gold flag commemorating DEA's 50th anniversary.

DEA Museum Staff Gear Up

to Highlight 50 Years of History

This July, DEA turns 50. As keepers of the agency’s history, Museum staff is working full throttle to augment permanent gallery content and experiences with two new exhibits and an anniversary history book. It’s a tough challenge, but the end results will engage and fascinate visitors later this year.

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A handcuffed prisoner is escorted by law enforcement.

DEA Museum Presents! 50 Years of DEA: Partnerships and Collaborations

Check out the Museum’s first program in its series on DEA’s big anniversary. For 50 years DEA has fought to keep Americans safe and healthy across the United States and around the world. This panel discussion explores how rich partnerships and collaborations help DEA further its mission.

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A taxidermy fish with a slit in its side.

Stories from the Collection: Koi Fish

In this episode of “Stories from the Collection,” the DEA Museum looks back on a fishy smuggling operation in the 1980s. Drug traffickers in Shanghai, China, sowed ounces of heroin into koi fish destined for a San Francisco aquarium. Learn how the drugs were discovered and what it takes for DEA agents to spot hidden contraband. 

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A museum exhibit.

Behind the Scenes: BAT Class 238's Guidon Now on Display

The DEA Museum shares the Drug Enforcement Administration’s story, past and present. Its new design features a special changing display honoring recent Basic Agent Training (BAT) graduates. Visitors can now see a BAT guidon, or swallow-tailed flag, on display. The flag, and its donation to the Museum’s collection, is a DEA tradition.

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DEA Celebrates 50th Anniversary

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US Drug Enforcement Administration

DEA Celebrates 50th Anniversary 

DEA 50th anniversary banner

The Drug Enforcement Administration celebrated its 50th anniversary on July 1, 2023. Over the past 50 years, DEA has worked to keep American communities safe and healthy by preventing criminal drug networks and drug-related violence and deaths. 

In 1973, former President Richard Nixon proposed the creation of a new agency when he declared “an all-out global war on the drug menace.” Congress heard months of testimony for the proposal and created the Drug Enforcement Administration later that year. The Drug Enforcement Administration integrated narcotics agents and U.S. Customs agents into one effective force. These agents work to remove dangerous drugs from the street and prevent them from coming across our borders.  

Join us as we celebrate our 50th anniversary! Learn more about our history, view images, and participate in activities to celebrate. 


En el ámbito empresarial de Internet es habitual escuchar ciertos tipos de consejos. Uno de ellos es registrar una empresa. Cuando no se reg...